Meryn Cadell's " The Sweater"

2 Conversations

<P>(Insert funky beat here)</P>
<P><B><font color="red">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></B></P>
<P><font type="Helectiva, Sans Serif">Girls, I know you will understand this and feel the intrinsic,
incredible emotion<BR/>
You have just pulled over your head the worn, warm sweater belonging to a boy<BR/>
Now you haven't had a passionate kissing session or anything but you
got to go on a camping trip with him<BR/>
and eight other people from school<BR/>
You practically slept together, your sleeping bag right next to his<BR/>
And you woke in the night to watch him as he slept but you couldn't see anything 'cause it was dark so you<BR/>
just lay there and listen to his breathing and wondered if your heart might burst<BR/></P>

<P>The sweater has that slightly goat-like smell which all teenage boys possess<BR/>
And that smell will lovingly transfer to all your other clothes<BR/>
If you get to keep it for a few days you can sleep with it but don't let your mom see 'cause she'll say, <BR/>
"What is that filthy thing and who does it belong to besides the trashman"<BR/>
So you have to keep it under the covers with you<BR/>
You can kind of lie it beside you, wrap it around your waist, or touch it on your legs, or whatever, that's your<BR/>

<P>Now if the sweater has, like, reindeer on it or is a funny color like yellow<BR/>
I'm sorry, you can't get away with a sweater like that<BR/>
Look for brown or grey or blue<BR/>
Anything other than that and you know you're dealing with someone who's different<BR/>
<P><I>And different is not what you're looking for.</I><BR/></P>
You're looking for those teenage, alpine-ski, chiseled-features and that sort of blank look that passes for deep<BR/>
thought or at least the notion that someone's home<BR/>
You're looking for the boy of your dreams who is the same boy in the dreams of all your friends<BR/></P>

<P>Now the sweater isn't going to fit you of course so you have to kind of roll up the sleeves in a jaunty way<BR/>
that says, "This is the sweater belonging to a boy and the boy is a genuine hunka-hunka-burning love" and<BR/>
it's not just some hand-me-down from your brother or your father<BR/></P>

<P>Monday...wear the sweater to school<BR/></P>

<P>Be calm, look cute<BR/>
Don't tell him the dream you had about the place the two of you would share when you get older<BR/>
Just be yourself<BR/>
The best, cutest, quietest version of yourself<BR/>
Definitely wear lipgloss<BR/></P>

<P>He looks at you<BR/>
And he looks away<BR/>
and then he walks away and the smell of the sweater hits you again suddenly like ape-scent gloriola<BR/>
and you get a note passed to you by a girl in history that says "He needs his sweater back, he forgot that<BR/>
you put it on in the tent on Saturday and he's been looking for it"<BR/>
And you don't have to die of humiliation<BR/>
You are a strong person and this is a learning experience<BR/>
You can still hold your head up high as you run from the classroom tearing the stinking sweater from your body<BR/></P>

<P>You look at that sweater...carefully<BR/>
And you realize that love made you temporarily <I>blind</I><BR/>
You got a secret now honey and though you would never sink as low as him you could blab it all over the<BR/>
school if you wanted<BR/>
The label in that sweater said<BR/>

<P>- <I>Meryn Cadell</I></P>


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