My Grand Theory of the Universe

3 Conversations

Everybody has their own tilt on how the universe has come into being, why it exists, and what it is. Here is mine:
We know from our experience of the world that everything MUST have an edge. Infinity is incomprehensible. I don't believe it can exist. Therefore the universe must have an edge. BUT if it has an edge, then there must be something outside that edge. The very nature of an edge separates one area from another. Thats what edges do. So if the universe has an edge, what is outside that? Where does that end? It is all too much for our meek minds. However, we DO know that things can just come into life - spontaneously. All life on earth is testimony to that! They can also die just an quickly. There is no edge to living and dieing (if that's how you spell it!) - just being. Therefore, I hypothesize that the universe is a living entity, that like us has just come into being, and will one day cease to be.
This also explains why we (as humans) will never reach the edge of the universe. As we know there is no edge, but infinity cannot exist either. If the universe is like a living cell, then the dieing universe (spherical or otherwise) will receed in on itself - the exact opposite of the big bang. Only then will we reach the "edge", as it comes in to meet us, and the universe ends.

There are many mysteries of the universe. You've got to admit, its pretty amazing to think about. But our tiny human brains are just too simple to understand anything but that we can see. I believe time plays a much bigger part in the life of the universe that just the past, present & future. Its another dimension. But how does it fit in? If you know - TELL ME!
e:[email protected]

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