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A consumer is a type of person that is the subject of constant market research by other people that should know better. A happy consumer lives in a collective community of like spirits known as a demographic. A demographic is a happy place where everyone likes exactly the same things and needs nothing more than what is produced solely for their benefit. A demographic has no shadows, so please, don't try to hide those different thoughts you've been having. If you belong in a different demographic, don't compromise the stability of your present demographic by lingering unnecessarily, move on to your new home. You'll be very welcome and really when you think about it, who want's to be around other consumers that are slightly different anyway?

At complete odds to this is plastic surgery which allows some consumers to pretend they belong in different age demographics. This creates the unfortunate problem of having young looking ears that can't handle the volume. When you hear someone whimpering "please turn it down" you know your onto one of those. Don't be too harsh, they need our pity and shame as much as they need to look forty years younger.

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