Waking Up Early
Created | Updated Apr 13, 2002
It's difficult. Almost impossible. Strange thing is that when people are awake, or even just falling asleep, waking up early seems so easy. they have to wake up at 9:00 o' clock? So what? They just set the alarm at 8:30. Stay in bed for 20 mins. Get up at 8:50. There. 10 minutes earlier.
Except it never goes according to plan. More often than not the alarm goes often at 8:30 [right on time]. People stay in bed for 20 minutes just to get used to the idea of waking up. But you never do. They fall asleep again.
A few times, somebody manages to wake up early. However, the only thought that occupies his mind [at least for 1 or 2 hours], is when they are going to sleep again.