Created | Updated May 12, 2016
Planet: Earth
Planet: Earth
Region: Canada
DAS a federal political party in Canada. That stives for the ability of serving its members with cheap, tax free alcoholic drinks. DAS was formed in 1989 and has not yet managed to run a candidate for any office.
In order to understand DAS. We must start at the very beginning. DAS began as small groups of drunks in the city of Regina awaiting the winter thaw. Optimistically we planned a group outing, A camping trip into the wilds of Saskatchewan. As we planned for this venture we decided we should have a name to define our eclectic clique philosophical alcoholic hedonists. So some how later that night we found ourselves sitting in Robbin's Donuts, on Albert St., at an impasse in the name debate we decided to go for an anagram as opposed to a name. We thought something like D.A.S. would be good as we could come up with dozens of possible meaning for those three letters, including The Drunken Anarchist Society or the Democratic Alliance of Socialists.
The Camping trip ended up only involving only three of us --along with about 66 beer, a bottle of over proof Wild Turkey, and a bottle of Johhny Walker Black Label Scotch. The Campground we ended up at wasn't open for the season yet so we had to drive around the barricade, at the entrance, and dodge park rangers for about half an hour. Eventually, we pitched a tent, started a fire, and got blitzed singing to the lyrics of the Pouges and some traditional Canadian tunes. The rest is a bit foggy.
Later that month, DAS blossomed its new arm. As a federal election was called we decided that we to should run for that fat seat of an independent back bencher MP. Thus, The Democratic Alliance of Socialists was born. An immediately visible fringe benefit of this presented itself to us: the ability of serving ourselves with cheap, tax free alcoholic drinks, and tax free cigarettes allowing the opportunity to reduce the economic strain on our saturnalian lifestyles, as well as reduced prices of fuels so that we would be able to share our philosophies in places with better weather and less taboos concerning the original sin. In this time we have, without compromise, kept with DAS philosophy.
Unfortunately this has meant procrastination due to a ceaseless crapulence and our move has been forced to take place later than planned. At the time of our inception the requirements of becoming a federal party were very little, a token price that anyone could afford. The white collar and red tape bastions of doldrum have during this time perceived the impending threat of DAS-Canada, coming from the Canadian prairies, on their monopoly of Canadian politics.
Clearly having learned their lesson from the historic success story of the CCF, whose birth place was geographically uniform to that of DAS, changes have been affected which temporarily impeded the forward movement of DAS. These changes made the requirements for federal party status out of reach of any one skint individual or organization, but offer an example of the oligarchical elitism of the present powers.
Over the next ensuing years DAS Continued as an unofficial political movement, The unrecognized successors of the defunkt Rhino Party. As part of our policy we figured we needed a statement and a credo, not a constitution or agenda, but something absurd. The DAS Credo came to us through words of Baudilare. The DAS Statement came from us and the world around us a sort of dadaist deconstruction of idiotic sentiments and popular media. It started with the simple words of Ernie Dingo at the Australian Bicentennial Ceremonies and then grew to become.
Aboriginal Achievement is like the dark side of the moon, it exists, but little is known have you ever been to the land of Zimbu where the only thing that is white is a blackman's teeth at night. Hark! What are you saying? Half the sea dogs in this port owe their lives to Steven Hawkings. Care for a slap of binge at misses Miggan's Pie shoppe! Death to Ghaundi errrraghh! You must be pretty faggen demented if you want to make love to your faggen family man. Moradibe no longer requires the weirding module. He is the quizarts Hatarack! The Horror! The Horror! Don't beat me! Don't beat me! My cat can eat a, whole, watermelon. The question is this given that god is infinite and that the universe is also infinite would you like a toasted tea cake. Look the great good Enu the giver of Eggs! Jamesons! DAS! DAS! DAS!
This statement would be our response to any question the media had or the world had to ask us in regard to our motives or concerns on any issue. The statement and its individual etymology requires a chapter of its own to be fully discussed, so will skip that for now..
Eventually, as to not have our designs halted by the new electoral policies we decided to move DAS and to run as a provincial party. Due to the lack of federal representation of Western Canada in federal politics we chose to run in B.C., the province furthest from Ottawa, to make the move a political statement in itself.
Now that D.A.S. had a purpose and a calling we needed to spread the word. So in consideration for our very meager budgets, which we would rather spend on booze than politics, we opted for the internet. so:
"One night in Vancouver in the Hall of Nations. I stood under a tree, while on mushrooms, to escape from the rain outside. It was about 4am and the rain was stopping to fall. Then with the whirl of electrical gadgets the rain began again, but this time inside, issuing forth form the trees themselves. The words of Carl Sagan ran thru my ears as the water soaked my flesh and I understood. It was the baptism into the technological era that he had foreseen in his book the Caves of Steel. Now, I saw the world in digital pixilation! It was only from this perspective could I see what DAS must become. Yes, DAS must be revitalized with a transfusion from the Cyberworld." (1990)
DAS's web site, among the first 5,000 on the net, has moved quite a bit over the years and its internet local has change about 15 times and even now it sits in a limbo location at Http://members.xoom.com/dascanada/das.html, But we shall persist. As the years passed the internet provided us with an invaluable means to communicate. We even had a series of meetings on-line and over 14,000 hits. Yet we never did make a penny form all that work and it even cost us a few bucks.
Admittedly DAS as an orginization has never really never done any sort of organized function, but we have done quite a bit of drinking and caused quite afew moments of insanity, along with some minor moments of political and social activism. We even reached the press internationally. A paper In Oregon even mistakenly took us for a bonafide Canadian political party and sung our praises to the extent that they wished a similar party would appear in the states. To this date we still have a strong group of DAS-USA. Some even branded DAS's name on their bottoms. . We commend thee, sizzling asses of DAS America !
In point of fact, there has been considerable mobilization within the Canadian establishment elite to sabotage this fledgling power. Consider the exclusion of any mention of DAS activites in Peter Newman's recent bestseller "Titans", a supposed analysis of the contemporary Canadian power structure. More ominously, it is clear that Canada's participation in the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, or MAI, negotiations, was designed solely to draw away the attentions of active DAS members from the more important administrative and recruitment duties so necessary at this stage of our party's infancy. Why else would serious consideration of the MAI have ever been tolerated ? Yet, ever flexible and far-sighted, DAS will and must turn the tables in their beer-can littered entirety, and expose the cretinous Liberals for this strange and excessive politically motivated waste of taxpayer dollars. Taxpayer dollars which most certainly came from that odious and reactionary curse on the workingman - the silent but soul-stealing alcohol and tobacco taxes. Nay, we shall not tolerate a mindless rush to globalization ! We shall stagger and lurch our drunken way instead ! And we shall black out where we damn well please.
Yes, DAS is committed to the local economy. First and foremost shall be community control of our distilleries, wine cellars, carboys, buckets and vessels of all descriptions, and our golden fields of hops, barley, sugarcane, potatoes, hemp, etc (one starts to suspect that alcohol can be made from anything organic - ho, what healthy paranoia 'tis ! ). Never again shall a drop of water be cravenly carried from our lakes, secretly siphoned from our glacial streams, or shamelessly sucked from our natural springs for export - it shall all be triumphantly transformed into liberating libations, song-inspiring spirits, and every other form of flabbergasting fluid ! Yes, welcome to the DAS economy, friends ; we've shown you the vision and now there's much work to be done. We must organize towards a general drunken strike to coincide with Y2K - we shall thus claim all credit for global chaos ! We shall drink in the fields, we shall drink in the hills, we shall drink on the landing grounds, and drink while at sea. We shall drink with our countrymen and we shall never surrender !
For further information on the platforms of DAS and DAS philosophy please see the DAS-Canada homepage for information on the developments of DAS please check back to this page as we will be documenting our progress and struggles here.