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Midges are small, vicious, annoying litte winged insects found in Scotland. With teeth twice as long as their head and suction power of a vacuum cleaner, these will suck out your blood quicker than a cannibal with dehydration would. Their natural habitat is woodland areas in Scotland during the summer months.
When approched, the midge will try to digise itself as a bird, and fly directly upwards. Once it's target is directly under it, the midge will unfold it's teeth from the bag they carry them in, attach them on, and dive bomb the target at approximatly 333.33m/s leaving the target on chance to defand it's self. As connection is made, the teeth peirce the skin and sink deep into the body. The teeth are then removed, uncliped and the suction attachment fixed to the midges mouth. A strong suck then follows, as the blood from the victim is removed and stored in small bottles the midge carries. When the midge is satisfied with the amount of blood extracted, it departs leaving the victim screaming in pain. Unconsiousness soon follows after an attack, as not enough blood is left to circulate the body. The victim must be treated immediatly, or death will be imminent. Midges, despite what we are told, are the deadliest creatures on the planet and must be avoided at all costs.

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