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Tissues are boundless in their uses. I got the idea because I am using one currently. Tissues became a market... let me see,
if you are reading this they were invented before you were born. If you do not have your trusty towel at your side you have
to resort to its lesser cousin the tissue. The practical use of the tissue is blowing your nose. This is very comforting when
you have allergies like me and forget to renew your medicine. Also they are used for catching snot when your nose is running.
They are there to help you when crying.... although for me that only happens when i break a bone.... which has happened more than several
occassions in my life span of 14 years. They are able to wash stains off a carpet although paper towel is better it is a good
weapon if you have no paper towel at hand.... They have come in handy when my friends got drunk and threw up on the
carpet..... Well That is all i have to think about a tissue right now. Until my next bout of stupidity, c-ya

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