Clever people and Yahs
Created | Updated Apr 7, 2002
Some people, despite being made of the same flesh and blood as the rest of us, simply can't leave anything alone. They
can't read a simple book without resorting to talk of its inner meaning and the literary style of the author. They cannot listen to a simple piece
of music without reeling off all the other pieces of music of which they are aware and how the one they just heard compares to the others. They can't
eat some food without blithering about the quality of the source of the food as a person and the great, almost superhuman skill
of the chef (of whom they will pretend to know the name).
These people often reside on late-night talk shows (late night because evening talk shows are for the common, stupid normal people) where they discuss
things of no importance to anyone except others of their kind. Wherever they are from they will sound as if they come from somewhere around London. They wear
clothes chosen for no particular effect but which they wear in order to get people to comment about them. This will result in them having a pretext from which they can
explain exactly why they're wearing what they're wearing and how any intelligent person could have spotted what their clothes said about them a mile off. Strangely, they
do not seem to notice that clothing is only a means of keeping dry and warm. Clever people often become artists of one sort or another, a position from which they can spout forth
tripe of the most astounding inprofundity in the name of making a challenging statement about challenging statements.
Yahs are an interesting subgrouping of those who feel themselves superior to others. Found around university campi, they come from all corners of the country
yet all sound as if they come from the Home Counties somewhere. They usually have lots of money from Mummy and Daddy, carry mobiles, drive shinycars, talk too loudly about s***e all and wear fashionable clothes. in the event that they lose any of their accoutrements they will borrow them from friends for they have no concept of employment until they graduate and walk into a highly-paid an undemanding position. They are particularly noticeable to me at the moment as there are at least six within three feet of me, loudly expounding on the problems they're experiencing with their brains due to familial inbreeding over recent generations. All the Yah men have hairstyles and chins. All the Yah women have dead, unattractive eyes. All of them are really getting on my tits at the moment.