Withnail and I (undergoing revision)

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Withnail and I is a film set in 1969 England and is the story of the two eponymous would-be actors. They live in a run-down flat in Camden Town where the washing up never gets done and giro cheques are spent on booze and drugs.

When the pair realise that they're getting increasingly ill and not getting anywhere in the acting industry, they decide to go to Penrith for a weekend to stay in a countryside cottage owned by Withnail's ravingly homosexual Uncle Monty, with hilarious consequences.

The film set both its stars (Richard E Grant and Paul McGann) up as cult heroes and also sees their career best performances (in the opinion of this humble researcher). It has also spawned numerous drinking games popular amongst many a student worldwide.

The film begins in a squalid little flat where the two friends make their home. After a visit to an equally dingy cafe one morning, Withnail's friend (named Marwood, although this isn't revealed in the film) realises that with all the 'murder, and all-bran and rape' in London that people are forced to dal with, he should at least be able to cope with Withnail - an alcoholic and fellow drug abuser. He decides to go back to the flat and 'discuss his problems in depth'.

Upon Marwood's return to the flat, Withnail announces some 'extremely distressing news' - they've run out of wine. To add to the hysteria, Marwood realises that he's in the middle of an overdose and that the washing up hasn't been done for ages.


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