The Guardian Angel's New Users Guide

0 Conversations

<SUBJECT>The Guardian Angel's New Users Guide...</SUBJECT>


<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=6;FONT COLOR=#FF0000>H2G2 - Guardian Angels<BR/>
<IMG SRC="" WIDTH=380>

<IMG SRC="" WIDTH=400><P>



<A NAME="Top"></A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section1">1. Some Basic Computer Guidance...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section2">2. How Do I Move Around The Guide...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section3">3. Registering...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section4">4. My Homepage...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section5">5. Guide Entries...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section6">6. Edited & Recommended Guide Entries...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section7">7. Journal Entries...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section8">8. Forums...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section9">9. Tricks & Tactics...</A>
<DD><A HREF="#Section10">10. Other Handy Links...</A>

<A NAME="Section1"><FONT SIZE=4; FONT COLOR=#FF0000><U>1.Some Basic Computer Guidance...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3; FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

The Guide for a novice user can be a daunting prospect, especially if one hasn't really used a computer before. We hope this Guide to the H2G2 will help to demystify the process, so you can continue your travels with the least amount of fuss... <P>

Firstly I would like to draw your attention to the following phrases... <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Browser:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> A browser is the device that you are using now. It is the software that lets you move around the World Wide Web <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>World Wide Web:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> If we say that your computer has a certain amount of files on its hard-disk, the world wide web basically creates an environment whereby you can access information from &#8216;other&#8217; hard-disks. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>An Application:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Is basically a program that lets you create or utilise data. So most programs that came with your computer that let you say - create letters, spreadsheets, drawings & find files. Indeed your browser is a utility, because it enables you to find far away files. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000><U>Copy & Pasting</U><FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

It may be of some use to copy & paste your text from a word processor. This has two fantastic advantages most people will find a veritable boon...<P>
<LI> If your entry doesn't reach its destination for what ever reason, you can easily attempt to post again.
<LI> Most recent word processors allow you to spell check your document. Saving time & possibly unnecessary embarrassment.</OL><P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>Tip: If you really cannot afford to lose your data, save your document BEFORE you transfer to your browser for posting. </I><FONT COLOR=#0000FF> <P>

In terms of actually copying & pasting documents. Most applications have a &#8216;title bar&#8217; similar to the top of your browser. Here is generally the process <P>
<LI>Click on the text you want to use
<LI>Click the mouse button on the 'Edit' menu, find 'Select All' and click. Your text should now be highlighted
<LI>Click again on the 'Edit' menu and find 'Copy' and click again. You will now have it stored on what is termed your computer's 'clipboard'
<LI>Now go to your browser and click in the message box of the forum conversation you are ready to send off.
<LI>Click your mouse button on the 'Edit' menu and find 'Paste'. Click, and you now should have your chosen text in the box. Be careful to make sure everything is to your satisfaction, and submit your entry.</UL><P>

<A NAME="Section2"><FONT SIZE=4; FONT COLOR=#FF0000><U>2. How Do I Move Around The Guide...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3; FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P>

Moving around (Scrolling) <P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

For those with only limited computer experience, 'scroll-bars' help one move about the page (you will notice them both right & below this page). Holding down the mouse button on the vertical arrows will move you up & down this page. Clicking down and holding on the small square in-between the arrows will give you the ability to &#8216;drag&#8217; the page up & down quickly. The same applies for the horizontal scroll-bar <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Links <P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

The general method of moving around the internet are links. Links can occur in the text like <A HREF="">THIS</A>.<BR/><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>Please note they are generally denoted by them being <U>underlined</U>.<P> <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> They can occur like the helpful same page links<A HREF="#Top"> ABOVE</A> that help you find the relevant part of the document. Finally, they can occur in the form of a picture like the following link to the Main Angel Page... <P>
<A HREF="">

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>Tip: Most picture type links can be detected here at H2G2 by the beige/blue outline around the picture. </I><FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P>


<A HREF="">Don't Panic FAQ</A> Is the sites rather lengthy but still informative guide to its features. <BR/>

<A HREF="">Don't Panic Tour</A> A step by step guide to the site. <P>
<A NAME="Section3"><FONT SIZE=4; FONT COLOR=#FF0000><U>3.Registering...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Registering<FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

If you have forgotten your password. At the <A HREF="">registration</A> screen, simply input your e-mail address in the existing users section and leave the password section blank. Now go and open your e-mail account and you should have an email message from the H2G2 Editors. Simply 'Cut & Paste' the address given or write it down, and input it into your browser address (the http://... section). <P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>Tip: There is also a small box present at the registration screen. If you are using a computer accessed by others, you should click on it to uncross the box. If you don't, the next time the computer is used, anyone maybe able to use your account at H2G2.</I><P>

<A NAME="Section4"><FONT SIZE=4; FONT COLOR=#FF0000><U>4.My Homepage...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3><P>

Homepage<FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

Around your homepage are a number of features that need to be explained...
Let's first take a look at the top section...<P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

If you look up at the top of your page you will see a large HG symbol in the left hand corner. You can click this at anytime to go to the <A HREF="">Main Page</A> of H2G2. From here a lot of helpful links, information and an outline of current community activities can be found. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>My Space:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This is a handy link that directs you back to your homepage when you have finished searching other pages here at H2G2 (assuming you have logged-in of course). <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Don't Panic:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This is designed to be the help page of H2G2. You will find a comprehensive index dealing with most things at H2G2. It can be a little daunting at first, but it is definitely worth checking out. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Ask H2G2:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This is link to a community page where you can ask questions. So if something is bugging you either trivial or profound, let others help you find the answer <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Tell H2G2:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This button lets you create a <A HREF="#Section5">Guide Entry. </A> <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Feedback Forum:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This button lets you tell the Community Editor about any problems or ideas you have. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Who's Online:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Is a handy button that lets you see who else is currently on-line. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Shop:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This button directs you to the Douglas Adams shop. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Logout: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> If you wish to finish your activities at H2G2, it is best if you officially log-out for the day/night. Just so no-one has the opportunity to access under your user-name. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Company Info: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> If you wish to find out more about H2G2.Ltd, please click this button. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Search: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This search section is a tool for finding information at H2G2. You simply input the text you wish to find information about into the blank box to the right, and click the search button. Alternatively, you can leave the space blank to do a more specific kind of search.<P>

You could also check out the index called Life, Universe & Everything for topic areas you might like to investigate. Or perform a 'Power Search' which is recommended for finding relevant forum discussions of interest. <P><FONT COLOR=#FF0000>

We can now take a look at the user identification box on the right...<P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Edit Page:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This button allows you to create or edit your <A HREF="#Section4">Homepage</A>.<FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>My Preferences:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Here you can change your username, details and your password if so desired. To get back to your homepage from here you either need to click the 'Back' button on your browser, or press the 'My Space' button on your icons at the top of the page as above. <P>

The guide also has two styles of presentation, namely 'albaster' or 'goo'. The second one is probably best used by more experienced web-surfers. You also have the opportunity to access an advanced version of these if so desired. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>Tip: Many people like to use this feature to 'advertise' one of their newer pages after their name.</I> <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P>
Now to the left of the title screen we can see the following... <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Most Recent Forums: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This part will display the latest <A HREF="#Section8">forums </A> you are involved in. You can click on the small link at the bottom for a more detailed listing. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Most Recent Guide Entries: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This next section down displays your most recently created <A HREF="#Section5">Guide Entries</A>. There is also a button here for creating further ones. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Most Recent Edited Guide Entries: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Obviously, this section lists your most recent <A HREF="#Section6"> Edited Guide Entries </A>. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Finally, the bottom section of the page... <P>

Discuss: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This feature is activated when you have made an attempt to put a homepage together. It means that people can now discuss your homepage and generally say &#8216;Hello&#8217;. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Journal Entries: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This part displays your journal entries. There is a button for creating more present. Please be sure to read the appropriate section on <A HREF="#Section7">Journal Entries </A> before using this function. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Now we come to the actual process of setting up a homepage... <P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

When you have been transferred to your homepage you will noticed three main areas of the screen. The large top section is your 'Homepage Title Screen'. The bottom one is your Journal Entries. The left section contains your most recent Forum/Guide/Official entries. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Homepage Title Screen. <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> <P>

We recommend that you at least attempt to put something in this section to begin with. Don't worry if it seems a little barren at first. The main thing is that once you have put something in there, you have enabled others with the ability to contact you and say 'Hello'. <P>

Your Homepage Title Screen can be edited by clicking on the &#8216;Edit Page&#8217; button located on the right-hand side of the screen. You will then be presented with a blank screen where you can input any data you desire. <P><FONT COLOR=#FF0000>

At the bottom of the screen you have a number of options... <P>
<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Add Guide Entry:<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Is for when you have completed your homepage to your satisfaction and wish to have your title page updated. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Preview: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF>Lets you see how you are going so far, it lets you see your title screen as it would appear. If you are happy with it, go to Add Guide Entry <P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>If you have a faily elaborate homepage, it is always worth checking BEFORE you update your page. Being human, you can sometimes delete an important piece of information, which you can sometimes spend hours looking for the problem. Infact, sometimes its much easier to go back and redo things from scratch.</I><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Plain Text/GuideML/HTML: <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> These bullets when clicked & 'Change Style' is pressed change the type of computer language used on your homepage. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>Tip: If you are a relative newcomer to computers we recommend your first attempt at a homepage should be done with plain text (don't forget you can use smileys here as well - see bottom of the creation screen). If you wish you can scroll down the screen and click the link for help.</I> <FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

Obviously, if you have had experience with HTML then that is your best bet. GuideML is only recommended to those who have a good knowledge HTML or XL. <P>

Once you have created your Homepage Title Screen, please heartily slap yourself on the back, because you now have the knowledge to create your very own Guide Entries as well...!!! <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Related Links<FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

<A HREF="">Instructions for Using GuideML</A> if you have basic questions about GuideML.<BR/>
<A HREF="">GuideML F.A.Q</A> Your questions may have already been answered here. <BR/>
<A HREF="">Bruce&#8217;s GuideML Clinic</A> Saint Bruce has a forum set aside for any GuideML questions.<BR/>
<A HREF="">GuideML Gadgets</A> these javascript gadgets might help with your page.
<A HREF="">Known Bugs In Browsers</A> is a handy link if you are having troubles.<P>

<A HREF="">Annabella HTML Guide</A> The best & easiest way to learn about using HTML. <P>

<A HREF="">Special Character Codes</A> if you get envious of others who use funny symbols in their text <P>

<A HREF="">Lil&#8217;s Atelier</A> Saint Lil has a number of artists over at the Atelier who might be able to help you with your graphic needs. <P>

<A NAME="Section5"><U>5.Guide Entries...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Guide Entries<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> <P>

Guide Entries function in a very similar way to your title page. To create a new Guide Entry scroll down to bottom of the left hand side of your homepage. Now click on the &#8216;create new guide entry&#8217; section. <P>

As you will see, it functions in a similar way to your &#8216;Homepage Title Screen&#8217;. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I> Tip: Before you start, it is probably wise to consider whether you are creating the entry for fun or to be considered for the &#8216;Edited Section&#8217; of the Guide. To be approved most articles are required to be factual, original, concise and well written. </I><FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Related Links<FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

<A HREF="">Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to Clubs</A> is handy for finding & showing off your latest page.<BR/>

<A HREF="">Quick Reference</A> another place to find & show off your latest page. <BR/>

<A HREF="">Tell us about the World of H2G2</A> this is a place where you may leave your new page's details for the Community Editor's section on the main page.<P>

<A NAME="Section6"><FONT SIZE=4><U>6.Edited & Recommended Guide Entries...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Approved Guide Entries<FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

To gain recognition for your labours there are two types of distinction you can seek out, namely 'Recommended Guide Entries' or 'Edited Guide Entries'.<P>

This has come about because the editors have tried to relieve the burden of the backlog of submissions by encouraging the community to take a far more active role in the editorial process.<P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Scouts :<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> These are fellow researchers who look through the guide finding entries that might be suitable for inclusion in the Recommended Guide Entries' list. They can help you get your article together and offer advice as well. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Peer View Page :<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Is a page you are encouraged to use in seeking help from fellow researchers in improving and critiquing your entry before you submit it for the 'Edited Guide'. Later on you can come back with your finished entry and formally submit it here.<P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Recommended Guide Entry :<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> This is a selection of guide articles chosen by the community as being worthwhile to read, they have not under gone the strict editing process to be included in the main 'edited' guide. That does not stop them for being included as an edited guide entry at a later though.<P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Edited Guide Entries :<FONT COLOR=#0000FF> Once you have completed your fabulous new Guide Entry, you might want to have it submitted to make it an &#8216;Edited Guide Entry&#8217;. You can now go and post your submission to the Peer Review Page. It generally takes 4-5 weeks before you get any feedback. It will eventually be handed to a Sub-Editor who will either send you some ideas on how to improve your entry or you will receive an e-mail congratulating you on it's acceptance. It will also appear on the H2G2 <A HREF="">Main Page</A> that day.<P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Related Links<FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

<A HREF="">Scouts</A> This is the homepage of the community based scouts who are normally able to help you when constructing an entry.<P>

<A HREF="">Peer Review Page</A> This page is designed to be where you can come for advice & some feedback on your article you plan to submit for the edited guide. This is also where you submit your completed article for inclusion in the 'edited' part of the guide.<P>

<A HREF="">Editorial Guidelines</A> When you have an entry you are ready to submit to the edited guide, it is best make sure it conforms to current editorial policy.<P>

<A HREF="">Sub-Editorial Guidelines</A> This section is invaluable in working up your entry within the parameters of the sub-editors guidelines. <P>

<A NAME="Section7"><FONT SIZE=4><U>7.Journal Entries...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Journal Entries <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> <P>

Journal Entries operate differently to Guide Entries. These are entries that will remain on your homepage for the foreseeable future. Once they have been made, they cannot be removed, so a little thought is required before toying around with this function. <P>

This section is designed to be the place for personal observations of the intrepid H2G2 researcher, so if there is anything you wish to proclaim to the world, you had better be able to live with it & presumably spell it... <P>

You cannot use HTML or GuideML here unfortunately, so please be careful not to, as a page of code doesn't look all that attractive. <P>

To create a Journal Entry simply click on the link at the bottom of the Journal Box marked &#8216;new journal entry&#8217;.

<A NAME="Section8"><FONT SIZE=4><U>8.Forums...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3><P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Forum Entries <FONT COLOR=#0000FF> <P>

Once you start to look around the small but intricate world of H2G2, you will probably feel the need to add your own thoughts, pronouncements and witticisms. <P>

A forum is basically a message-board for a Guide Entry. Each forum consists of people&#8217;s posts which are known by the collective name of &#8216;threads&#8217;. <P>

When you come across forums on your homepage or elsewhere, you can see the name of the thread, posted & last reply. You can therefore click on the name to go to the very beginning of a thread, the place you last 'posted' there, or the very 'latest' post. <P>

Each Guide Entry has the capacity for multiple forums, so whilst you have managed to interact with one particular forum, other discussions maybe be taking place without you knowing. So it's important to understand how the screen works. <P>

The Navigation Bars - These two visual representations are present in the left window of your forum display screen, they function like most audio tape players. The one at the top of the screen is for current conversations. You can click on the singular arrow button to the left to go back twenty threads, or to the right to go forward 20 posts. Similarly, you can click on the double arrow to the left or right which allows you to go either to the beginning or to the end of a forum.<P>

You may also see underneath the player a number of round white dots or red lights. These represent groups of 20 posts bundled together, so that you don't have to load the entire thread everytime. The position of where you are in a thread is shown from top left being the start of a thread through to bottom right being the current last one. <P>

You may have noticed that when you scroll down the screen you find the other navigation bar for 'other conversations' which is used when a page has more than 20 'forums' present. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#000000><I>Tip: On the secondary bar for 'Other Conversations' if there are more than one white dot or light there are more forum conversations that can be fit on the page. You can move through to these by clicking to your right on the navigation bar...<P></I><FONT COLOR="blue">

On the top-right hand side of any forum is the name of the relevant guide entry the forum is related to. The left column of the screen gives an overview of the &#8216;threads&#8217; that have been logged. If you scroll down this box you will come to a point where the current thread finishes. Here you may find names of another twenty forums that have been created . If you wish to be able to keep track of these conversations, you will have to post something in each forum. <P>

You can start a new forum by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the left hand side and click 'New Conversation'. <P>

The text of the threads shown on the left hand side are present on the right. Use the scroll bar to move through the entries. You can post at any of the positions along this bar to respond to a specific thread. The process uses only plain text, smilies. It can also recognise a internet address and create an automatic link. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Related Links<P> <FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

<A HREF="">Internet Acronyms, Smileys & Emoticons</A> a number of short-hand techniques exist in conversation on-line, here is an explanation to help you understand some of the common ones. <P>


<A NAME="Section9"><U>9.Tricks & Tactics...</U></A><FONT SIZE=3; FONT COLOR=#FF0000><P>

If you have a fairly elaborate homepage it can be very time consuming to load it when you want to check for new forum replies. You may wish to load the following instead. . <P>

e.g)<FONT COLOR=#FF0000><FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

This would be used for finding the latest replies for user U135000<P>

If you have created guide entries or forums, the one thing the system won't do automatically is tell you if someone has posted there, thus you can get the situation that if you don't check them yourself, you will not know if someone has posted a reply there. So it is always best to have a look every now the then...<P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>Smilies can be produced as follows:<P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

<IMG SRC=""> = :-)<BR/>
<IMG SRC=""> = :-(<BR/>
<IMG SRC=""> = ;-)<BR/>
<IMG SRC=""> = 8-)<BR/>
<IMG SRC=""> = :-P<BR/>
<IMG SRC=""> = ><><P>

It is impossible to produce Shim's special bluefish in a forum... unless you are Shim of course... <P>

<A NAME="Section10"><U>10.Other Handy Links...</U></A><P>


Other Handy Links<FONT COLOR=#0000FF><P>

<A HREF="">Newcomers Page</A> a place to meet & greet new-users.<BR/>

<A HREF="">ACES Homepage</A> these are the sites official meeters & greeters. <BR/>

<A HREF="">Mark Moxon Homepage</A> is the Editor of the Guide.<BR/>
<A HREF="">Peta&#8217;s Homepage</A> is the Community Editor of the Guide if you wish to express opinions on content, or if you are having problems with another user. <BR/>
<A HREF="">Feedback Forum</A> if you have any suggestions about the running of H2G2. <BR/>

<A HREF="">Guide of Continuity</A> a group set up to deal with &#8216;Netiquette&#8217; at H2G2. <BR/>

<A HREF="">World of H2G2</A> A site index of places of learing and sharing of information. <BR/>

<A HREF="">Alphabetical Index</A> for checking the entire guide. <BR/>

<A HREF="">H2G2 Hotspots</A> A display of some of the fun activities onsite. <BR/>

<A HREF="">The H2G2 Post</A> is the community weekly newspaper.<BR/>

<A HREF="">Miscellaneous Chat</A> If you just want some general chat. <BR/>

<A HREF="">Benevolent Web Sites</A> this is a list of benevolent, charitable & non-funded organisations that exist on the web. <P>

<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>General Links<P>

Here are a few select pages created by the lovely angels, why not drop by sometime... <P><FONT COLOR=#0000FF>

<A HREF="">Church Of Weekendism</A> for those of you who vow never to take up work again. <P>

<A HREF="">Comedy Workshop</A> if you wish to throw a few 'punch-lines' about. <P>

<A HREF="">Birthdays List</A> check out others and/or add your own birthday to the list. Who knows, your H2G2 friends might be the only kind souls to remember this year !!!<P>

<A HREF="">Lost Poetry Office</A> the natural home for all those musty compositions in need of a good airing. <P>

<A HREF="">Keepers</A> why not gain yourself an informal title as the Keeper of...... <P>


<FONT SIZE=4; FONT COLOR=#FF0000> Back to Main Angel Page<BR/>
<A HREF="">



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h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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