HoneyBee's Garden...

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<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/Vine1.gif" WIDTH=400><P>

<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/beeflow.gif" ALIGN=LEFT HEIGHT=75 WIDTH=75><IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/daisy_tw.gif" ALIGN=RIGHT HEIGHT=75 WIDTH=75><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=7; FONT COLOR="orange"><CENTER>
<B><U>HoneyBee's Garden</U></B><BR/></CENTER>

<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/Vine1.gif" WIDTH=400><P>
<FONT SIZE=3; FONT COLOR="yellow"><P>

<CENTER><IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/flowergarden.jpg" BORDER=5></CENTER><P><FONT FACE="Arial"><P>

I can often be found here at the end of a hard day's buzzing around, stretched out on a hammock, contemplating my navel or having a good gossip with a couple of friends over a long, cool drink... <P>

It is always Summer here ...a good time to relax, chill out and smell the roses... <P>

...Pure Bee Bliss... <P>
...Tralalala... <P>
'Fish are jumping and the cotton is high'...<P>
...a good time for Pimms (with freshly grown mint), or a nice, chilled glass of Puligny - Montrachet...
Have some... <P>
...join in the gossip... <P>
...and just Bee... <P>

<FONT SIZE=5><FONT COLOR="orange"><B><U>HOW TO BEE...</U></B>
<FONT SIZE=3; FONT COLOR="yellow"><P>
...Take a pew on one of the many hammocks scattered in the apple and cherry orchards...essential for those afternoon siestas or post-prandial naps...<P>

...Smell the Roses...(and honeysuckle, jasmine and lavender)... <P>

...Listen to the soothing sounds of the water - the tinkling springs, babbling brooks and a placid, water-lilied lake...... <P>

...Have some cake and eat it... please help yourself - there is also honey should you desire it. Don't worry...it won't run out...I spend my days ensuring I make an inexhaustible supply... <P>

...Be gently intoxicated with fine wines and Pimms - glasses to be found in the circular summerhouse... <P>

The garden is still growing - and has plenty of room
for more flowers - suggestions and cuttings always welcome.... <P>

<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/Vine1.gif" WIDTH=400><BR/>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/~annabella/html.html"><CENTER>
<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/water_li.gif" WIDTH=75 HEIGHT=75></A></CENTER>

<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/Vine1.gif" WIDTH=400><CENTER><P>


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