Project: Black Holes

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Name: Brad Mitchell (AKA "Ford Prefect" some number of years ago)
Researcher Number: 121197
Project Name: Project Black Holes
Department: Astrophysics (Astronomy and Physics)
Faculty: Science
Start Date: August 1, 2000
End Date: September 15, 2000

This is the Index page for my Field Research paper, written for the University of Life, h2g2. What I had hoped to present here (and may or may not finish, depending on time constraints) was an informative and relatively brief synopsis of stellar collapse, black hole formation, and some of the more esoteric and weirder physical properties of black holes. I had meant to make this a much more inclusive projet, but that was before college and life in general. It will be finished to the extent that I will eventually detail the various kinds of black holes, but I'm not suicidal to try to finish as comprehensive a project as I had originally intended.

If I have managed to interest at least one person in the study of things outside our own political borders and petty squabbles, I will consider myself most pleased with the results you find here.

Thank you very much for your support and your patience; it has been a long road, but I think I'm almost done.

The Formation of Black Holes
The Structure and Mechanics of Black Holes
Black Holes of All Kinds

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