Digital Art in the Old Days
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The Old Days being 1989 in the case of this illustration, originally painted to go with a story about a mythological character named Chiron.
Chiron was painted using a DOS-based application called TEMPRA, on an Intel 286 machine with 2MB of RAM and a Truevision video adapter known as a Targa-16. The application itself was only capable of working in 8 bits, however, so the picture, in TGA format, could only contain up to 256 colors. (This image is a portion of the original 640X480 image).
The blowup below gives the reader an idea of exactly what I saw as I painted at a greatly exploded level, executing a Seurat-like manipulation of colours with the 256 I had to hand.
Those were the good old pixel-kicking days!