Wonky Screenplay

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*I wrote this ages ago, and have not even looked at it again. There might be a germ of an idea of use in here, but I will not be surprised or upset if vast amounts gets changed. SO snipe away :-) *

Refuse of the Rich and Famous

a screenplay copyright Brian "Munchkin" Milton 1996

Scene 1
(Opens on a very long scarf. Pan along to end where it is being held by someone in hat and coat (not necessarily me). At this point the director (looking as much like Spielberg as possible) bursts on to the scene.)

Dir: Noooo way I ain't doing a Dr. Who rip off. You shove off and watch some sad video or other.

Man: Oh...but..Hmph!

Dir: Now then lets have a tale of simple city folk. How about them over there? OK Bob point and shoot

Off cam: Bang! Urgh Thud

Dir: Not at the soundman..fool! Give me the camera.

(Cam sweeps round to see three people walking down the road. They are having that standard sad sci-fi talk about how they could quite easily have defeated the rebels, so long as no-one pointed a camera at them.)

Dan: Look I'll prove it to you.

(He pulls out a water pistol and dives behind some bins)

Right on you go, just sneak up the street looking heroic.

(The other two do this and look quite surprised when Dan fails to shoot them)

Lynquist Froon (known as Lyn): What's wrong?

Dan: Oh it's that blasted camera. See what I mean.

(Fwing wanders out of an alley, spies the group and approaches)

Fwing: Hello my fine gentlemen and lady. How would you like to take part in an epic adventure of a mind blowing proportion?

Dan: Eh?

Fwing: I would of course reimburse you to the tune of Auld Lang Syne, sorry fifty pounds.

Lyn: Well I'm up for it

Other: Er ok. (To cam) I would just like to point out that I only actually said that to try and prevent myself being one of those extras with no lines who dies early on.

Fwing: Smashing. Now your names please?

Dan: Well I'm Dan, this is Lyn and this is (Interrupted by guy in Blake's 7 outfit running through group)

Fwing: The cheek of it. I have your number. Anyway, time is of the essence, with a little sage and parsley. Ha Ha Humph, yes well let us off

(Group follows Fwing into alley, other at tale)

Other: Damn nearly found out

(Three goons then leap out of a different alley and grab a passer by, dragging them off)

Scene 2

(Group troop out and look of cam)

Fwing: That's my ship

Dan: Blimey, now that's impressive, pity we don't have any special effects to show it but there you go

Other: My gob has been smacked clean out of the back of my head.

Lyn: It's not bad

Fwing: Come let us kit up

Scene 3

(Walking opposite way. Should all be kited out with as much hi-tech looking gubbins as possible)

Dan: And the next time you pick up some hi-tech thing kindly ask how it works before pointing it in my general direction, shouting bang and pulling the trigger

Other I was only having a laugh

Dan: Yes well, I don't need an egg whisk in my face thank you. It could have been anything.

Lyn: Anyway Bob, while you are in your intergalactic crime fighting guise would you mind telling us who we are fighting

Fwing: He is a nefarious mastermind and scourge of eight planets and his name is Neewon Blook

Scene 4

Blook: (Straight to cam) That's me

(Pull out to show Blook's lair. Have people scurrying around looking efficient)

Blook: Come my mind warped zombies from beyond the stars. Let us set my nefarious plan in action. No. 3 bring the test sample here would you.

No. 3: (Saluting) Sir

(He brings in kidnapee while Blook fiddle with a bizarre helmet)

No. 3: Sir?

Blook: Hmm?

No. 3: Prisoner sir.

Blook: Oh thanks. No. 7i...No. 7i? Where is that No. 7i?

No. 3: Er he's not real sir

Blook: Oh yes, just a bad joke. No. 9 bring in the gas

(No. 9 does so, placing a mask over the tests face as Blook puts the helmet on)

Blook: Ah superb. It works. No.3, in future kindly kidnap someone with a less smutty mind.

No. 3: Er yes sir.

Blook: You can get rid of the rubbish now.

N0. 3: Very good sir

(He exits with the now limp kidnapee)

Scene 5

Lyn: Anything else you want to tell us?

Fwing: In good time my little people, but first we must break in to Blooks Headquarters and confront him in the dramatically appropriate way.

Dan: And where would that be? Cunningly hid in an undersea base that is blatantly obvious to anyone with a sonar kit? Or perhaps next door to the alien menace from Rigel 3 and across the road from UNIT?

Fwing: You know I am beginning to think that you don't entirely believe me.

Dan: You don't say

Fwing: Yes well this way

(Group wanders down road. At one point Other takes out something very plastic looking and waves it in the general direction of some bins. They fly backwards rather noisily causing Dan to drop to the ground and Fwing to smack Other painfully around the ear. They then continue on. Eventually come to an ordinary door)

Fwing: This is us. Now all I've got to do is work out the lock.(He then spend ages trying to fiddle the lock with all sorts of hi-tech gubbins before Lyn pushes it open. At this point a guy in a Blake 7 outfit runs out knocking them flying)

Dan: What was that?

Other: A running joke

Fwing: This has been a public service announcement for the hard of thinking

Other: It's not a very good gag is it? He's only appeared twice and not exactly for very long

Dan: Hmm. Got a point there

Fwing: Anyway let us off, we have a planet to save.

(Fwing enters the door with somewhat of a flourish, followed by the rest looking confused)

Scene 6

(Back in Blooks lair. A number of goons are loading some large device with little canisters. Others are to be seen fiddling with various controls.)

Blook: No.6!

Said Goon: Sir

Blook: I believe our guests are now in the building. Kindly ensure that they get here at the correct moment

Said Goon: As you wish sir

(He scurries out)

Blook: How am I supposed to bring about the return of a god and the humiliation of one of the more irritating busybodies in the universe if he can't turn up on time? If things weren't going so well I would contemplate being slightly peeved, Anyway

(He walks over to some controls, fiddles about for a bit and then turns to the nearest goon)

Blook: Initiate phase C if you would be so kind, my good man

Scene 7

(Our heroes are walking down a corridor when No.6 pops up, throws a custard pie at Fwing and then legs it round the corner, hotly pursued by the group)

Fwing: Right, your phlanges ain't going to survive the day my little nameless goon.

(They all pile through a door into a featureless room, the door closes behind them and they hear it lock)

Lyn: Where the hell did he go?

Dan: He must have gone through a secret door. (He begins to search the walls) I can't find anything

Fwing: There are stranger things on Mercury

Dan: Pardon! Was that supposed to be useful?

Fwing: No, just padding

Other: Time for the violence option obviously (He pulls out one of his guns)

Fwing: No!

Other: Argh! (He throws the gun out of his hand and collapses to the ground in pain)

Fwing: Blook is far too cunning to let us use our weapons in his headquarters

Dan: What the hell did we bring them for then?

Fwing: Well I have every intention of mucking around in the control room. Then your friend will be able to shoot things to his hearts content.

Lyn: But we can't while we are stuck here

Fwing: Haven't you seen any Sci-fi on T.V. We will be taken to the control room so that Blook can gloat for a while. It always happens.

(Fade out and back in)

Dan: We have been here for four hours now. I fear you were wrong

Fwing: It is puzzling I will admit

(Click, the door swings open)

Fwing: Aha, we are called, come my friends the explanation beckons

(They wander down various corridors before getting to Blook's abode o'excitement)

Blook: Ah my guests. I hope I find you in good health?

Fwing: Well apart from being covered in badly smelling cream I'm fine. And yourself?

Blook: Oh fascinating as a frinkle

Fwing: So how about a plot explanation

Blook: Well as you no doubt have sussed I wish to carry out plan Iota

(Fwing nods, understanding, Lyn looks shocked)

Lyn: Oh, by the great lord Dinky's wellingtons

Blook: Yes, I shall create the god-mind out of the human race and then guide it as my tool. And nothing you can do can stop me.

Fwing: Now why would you say that Blook?

Blook: Well if you would care to note the time, I have kept you out of the way so long that you must return to work.

Fwing: Oh pharp! Sorry kids must dash. The Cyming Cleansing Department doesn't tolerate lateness amongst it's workers. Oh well, you cant win them all. Byeee

(Dashes out as Blook cackles happily)

Dan: What the hell?

Blook: Your friend is late for work. Can you believe it, a bin man who thinks he can save the universe. But only on his afternoons off. Stupid or what

Dan: Would someone kindly explain who the hell he was?

Blook: His name is Bob Fwing and he is a refuse collector on Borus 9. He has read just one too many comic serials and now believes that he can right every wrong using nothing but what he can salvage from peoples bins. If he hadn't caused me so much jip I wo
uld have written him off as merely tragically dense

(Lyn sidles over to a console, flicks a few switches)

Lyn: The field is down, the guns work

(Fires in general direction of goons to prove it. They flee)

Lyn: Now then Blook, stop this now

Blook: Terribly sorry, it was put on automatic hours ago. Even as we speak rockets are being fired into the upper atmosphere all round the planet. As I believe I have already said, nothing can stop me

Lyn: We'll see (She fires, nothing happens)

Blook: Personnel field my dear girl, personal field. May I suggest you run. My goons should return soon, armed

Lyn: Sod. Dan, you come with me while you stay and guard our backs

Other: Eh?

Lyn: Shoot at the goons

Other: Yes! Heroic death fest!

(Goons pile through the door and begin shooting, other fires back with glee)

Lyn: (Grabs Dan) Come on you fool (They run)

Blook: (Placing bizarre helmet on head) Here begins the birth of the most terrible and powerful force that the galaxy has seen, and it's mine to command

Scene 8

(Lyn and Dan pile into a radio room)

Dan: What is going on?

Lyn: In a minute, just watch the door and shoot anything that gets near (to radio mike) This is Lynquist Froon of the Bleen Enforcers Corp. calling any Corp. ship in the region. This is a code nine-epsilon emergency. Request immediate aide. If you do not re
ach here within one hour you must carry out solution t. But not before picking me up please. I repeat. This is Lynquist Froon of the BEC calling any Corp. ship in the region. This is a code nine-epsilon eme.. oh bugger

(Before this point there should be an exchange of fire off cam. Now Dan Clutches his head and drops)

Dan: I can feel it...inside my skull... we are joined...we will soon be complete

(Optional Scene 8a to be inserted here if you feel like it)

(Dan collapses, Lyn picks up a gun and dashes out firing at figures down the hall in masks. Runs out of the building into street to find as many people as possible either collapsed or staggering with their hands to their heads. Should have blokey in Blake 7 standing in the middle and shouting teleport at his wrist)

Scene 9

(Bridge of a space ship, various people busy at controls. Lyn dashes on and runs up to Captain)

Lyn: Quick we must use solution t.

Capt.: But to destroy a whole race. We can't

Lyn: Their new form will quite happily mop the universe with us. Now Captain

Capt.: Very well, Lirz are the cannons ready

Lirz: Yes sir

Capt.: Okay, fire

(What we really want is to see the earth explode. Perhaps could have a big bang off cam and a shot of the Capt. and Lyn looking shocked/depressed)

Scene 10

(Blook, still in head gear, looking triumphant)
Blook: Very nearly Miss Froon but not quite. I may not have acquired all of the planets energies but I did get a fair welly. I believe the phrase is, Your cards marked milady

The End

Optional Scene 8A

(Time for a bit of psychedelia. As Dan begins to mumble fade to a view of a park, man pointing into the sky.)

Man: Are those rockets?

Cam: They're producing gas

(Fade to a street, women holding the camera as if she is talking to someone)

Women: Are you OK?

Cam: I can hear voices in my head

Fade and wobble, perhaps lots of quick shots of people saying various inane things like "I've bought a new car", "The square of the hypotenuse" etc. Throughout all this should hear a voice say "Union Union Union" getting louder and louder until it is shout
ed. Then switch straight back to Dan collapsing.)

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