PULLDOWN tag - Structure

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<FORM NAME="dd">
<TEXTAREA cols="70" rows="50">
<PULLDOWN STYLE="radio"|"command"|"this"|"new" LISTFILE="listfile_url" SIZE="n" ROTATE="n">
<ITEM URL="target_url" DESC="text">Displayed Text</ITEM>
<ITEM URL="target_url" DESC="text">Displayed Text</ITEM>

- specifies the interface flavour; where STYLE can be
="radio" (default style)Radio Button style PULLDOWN.
="command" Command Button style PULLDOWN.
="this" Plain style PULLDOWN - opens in same window.
="new" Plain style PULLDOWN - opens in a new window.

- specifies the location of a plain text file containing a
set of ITEM values in that subtag's format. This will
allow offsite lists to be maintained without compromising
security by allowing javascript etc.. It also means h2g2
could host it's own centralised files for ACEs, subs etc..
Specifying a LISTFILE would set the <ITEM URL...> tags

- sets the length of the PULLDOWN list.

- sets the rotate speed of the PULLDOWN list in milliseconds.
Values under 300 will be ignored so not to crash browsers.

<ITEM> - specifies a set of values to be included in custom lists.

- specifies the URL of the page that this list item
points to (eg "U12345", "A12345",
- (Optional) Sets description text displayed in a text
box beneath when ITEM selected from list.
Displayed text
- the text that is actually displayed in the
PULLDOWN list for the user to select.
PULLDOWN tag: <A HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A362585">Rotating Version</A>; <A HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A362594">ACElist Code</A>

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