
2 Conversations

You may of heard of napster, it's a mp3 trading system here is how it works:

1)When you install Napster it creates a registry entry (important later).

2)It scan your hard disk and creates a list of all of your mp3s.

3)It connects to Napsters central server.

4)Napster's central sever checks your registry entry (Which is sort of like a car registration plate) & makes sure you haven't been banned.

5)Napster transfers you to a "The best optimal server" & uploads your list of mp3s.

6)you can then search the list of mp3s that are on the server (which is a very big list, as in up to 1 million songs).

7)if you find a song you like you tell the pc to download the song. When you do this a connection between your computer & the computer you're getting the song from is created. AT NO TIME IS THE MP3 ACTUALLY ON NAPSTERS COMPUTERS!!

Now for a little background information:
Napster is supposidly intended for you to swap legit mp3s, (music that you've created or got from a site like Of course what actually happens is that everyone just trades their own CD collection.

This is in theory illegal, however napster doesn't actually pirate music, it mearly helps other people independant of Napster to pirate music.

This it sounds to me, is a lot like the w3c ( and child-porn.
The w3c created the HTML standard allowing child-porn web pages,(Napster invented the Napster protocols allowing mp3 trading). But the w3c is not responsible for how people use the HTML standards (ie it's not their fault that there some peodos making illeagle web sites), In the same way Napster isn't responsible for people trading mps illegaly.

However if someone like metallica finds that your giving away their music metallica can give you IP address & other information to Napster & demand Napster ban you from the system.

Now look at #4. you can get hold of a patch apprently from called "F**k metallica" which rewrites the registry entry. Getting passed the ban.

There are also other file sharing systems out there Gnutella,Freenet, and a few others...

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