Exotic dishes, e.g.:Mallebatzen

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Sometimes people visit foreign and exotic countries like Takatukaland and come back with new unknown recipes (or with new unknown viruses).
This is the place where these people can post their recipes of "Flaming Turtle", "Cheville de Chameau" or even "Plumpudding". So if you know how to cook a mosquito egg, please tell us in the Forum!

Here is one example for an exotic dish:
Mallebatzen [derived from lat. malleus = snot; germ. Batzen = heap]

Mallebatzen is a sweet invented by the German Thorben Schaafberg to eliminate the aftertaste of japanese seaweed-crackers.
To make Mallebatzen for 2 person you need an apple, grated coconut, marzipan, vanillasauce and M&M's, Smarties or something similar.
1. you core the apple.
2. you cut the cored apple horizontal in two pieces.
3. you fill the marzipan into the cored holes.
4. you put the grated coconut, the M&M's, the vanillasauce and all
the other sweet stuff you have on the top.
5. Now you put it in a microwave oven and heat it up.
6. Tada, that's Mallebatzen.

Now you can eat it, but don't eat more than 1 Mallebatzen a day (or only eat Mallebatzen and drink Diet Coke)!

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