Art on the Internet: Links
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
This is an extention of my homepage. It provides proper links to interesting art sites on the Internet. It is essentially the same information that's on my homepage, and I will adding to this guide entry as I think of things. I welcome any suggestions. Please see my homepage for what I think art on the Internet should be, and to find out some basic information about me.
Nell Tenhaaf is an artist and professor at York University in Toronto, who works with new media and web-based art projects.
Interaccess is a artists' resource centre based in Toronto. On their site you'll find artists' projects and other resources, as well as workshops and the like.
Arthur Kroker is a professor at Concordia University in Montreal and ctheory is the online journal he edits with his wife Marilouise Kroker. The Krokers are important theorists in cyberculture and new technologies and have written several books on the subject. They have a multimedia site as well which is well worth a visit.
This is the online version of the book Panic Encyclopedia by the Krokers and David Cook. It's quite funny.
Another online version of a book by the Krokers Hacking the Future
This is a complex project by Canadian video artist Vera Frenkel.
This is a great art links page from University of Western Ontario prof Susan Schuppli (I hope this doesn't appear too much like sucking up). Anyway, it's categorized and is a good primer for all things Art-and-the-Internet (such as artists' projects, galleries, resources, and so on).
This is one of the funniest sites I've seen in a while and perfect for those of you who think all artists are pretentious poseurs (we are so get over it).
The site is called Seated and Standing Poses for Art Students 1.0 (SSP1). I don't know anything about the guy who's created this project other than he's an American and the site is based on an exhibit that took place in Europe.
This is just some shameless self-promotion. The Images Festival of Independent Film & Video is an annual festival in Toronto that just took place in April 2000. I was the coordinator for the student showcase "V is for Video" which you can find by following the link from the contents page. This is just to let anyone who cares that such a festival takes place in Toronto and is quite an amazing event. So there.