Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK

2 Conversations

A Brief History of Leigh

In the begining Bob created Heaven and Earth. Heaven was situated on the hills overlooking the troglodytic wastlands known as "Canvey". In time the troglodytes inhabiting canvey became slightly more articulate and good at mimicking human behaviour. Heaven, in order to confuse the substandard lifeforms changed is name to Leigh and to confuse them further pronounced it Lee. However by the 19th century the Canvey Trogs had worked out the correct pronunciation so the Blessed inhabitants appended "-on-Sea" to this town due to it location next to the River Thames.

Historical Events in Leigh

During this time many things happened. Highlights included
    The Refitting (and possibly building) of the Mayflower prior to its voyage to America
    The birth of Emma Hamilton's child, possibly trhat oif Admiral Lord Nelson
    Constable Painted it
    I lived there. Thats about it really

Geography of Leigh

Map from Multimap.com

Leigh is positioned on the northern coast of the thames estury. At the coast there is a beach and the "Old Town". This part of the town is invariably described by american tourists as "quaint" due to it old buildings and cobbled streets. Paradoxically due to its bosition by the coast the street names High Street is infact the lowest street in the area. Traveling north over the railway one reaches a steep hill. On ofr the paths up this is called Church hill as it leads up to St. Clement's Chuch, a local landmark. The area around Leigh Church (as it is often known) is full of shops and sometoime called the shopping triangle. Turning left to face West you will see a large housing estate overlooking open land down the hill out to sea. This is where rich people live and all jealousy should be directed at the "Marine Estate" in this direction. West of Leigh is a small area of farmland, country park and woodland, and then is the town of Hadleigh. North is Eastwood which is a seperate town but is considered to be part of Leigh by the Post office. A similar fate befalls Chalkwell to the east which is divided between Leigh and Westcliff for postal reasons.

Leigh has its own town council but is part of Southend-on-Sea borough council for all of the important stuff.


There are a lot of drinking oportunities for all you piss-artists in Leigh with a wide selction of pubs.

The Broker

The Carlton

The Crooked Billet

The Elms

The Grand Hotel

The Harry

The Peter Boat

The Sarah Moore

The Ship

The Smack Inn

The Waterman Arms

The Woodcutter Arms

I'll review them some time as well

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