Waiting....and waiting......and still waiting.....

1 Conversation

I have been waiting for ages just to get my other articles approved, for like, how long now????? I mean, 10 weeks!!!!!!!

And what about me becoming an ACE or sub-editor? That was about 15 weeks ago, well, approx.

And what about the other week when I missed Buffy The Vampire Slayer because I happened to get into the checkout at Tesco that had the trainee cashier who took about 25 minutes to account the average trolley? I mean, it's just my luck!

I'm very accident prone meself, but I'm also an asthmatic, and quite a few years ago I remember I was in the hospital, and they let me sit there suffering for 3 hours, and I couldn't even breathe. I still think of them as heartless. Then again, Jeni X would be in heaven 'cos she thinks all doctors are good looking, well, the male ones anyway. I've had to sit there with a guy who's knee was cut open and blood was everywhere. Very unpleasant if you ask me!

Another prime example is everytime, well, almost everytime I get out of my road in the car, the traffic from the main road comes along just in time that we have to wait for every single car in the que? I mean, AARRRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! And traffic lights suck as well. They always turn red just as you're the last car to get there.

Maybe we should just ban all traffic lights, more people should get jobs or ques should be a ride to let the time just pass by. What do you think about this? TELL ME!!!!!!

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