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Options or Stock Options:
In the late 20th century a financial genius who had become bored predicting what he might be worth came up with the idea of options. The idea was that if you could point out that you had a particularly good idea and that you could make a lot of money that you should therefore be given vast amounts of cash in advance, since it was coming your way anyway.

This art was perfected by the use of a tool called Powerpoint. Using Powerpoint a particularly clever person could raise unusually large amounts of cash if he could present words and acronyms on a screen that were especially hard to understand or presented especially unlikely scenarios for why they would be receivinglarge amounts of cash.

The use of Powerpoint was usually followed by the release of what became known as vapourware. Vapourware was like software only instead of coming in a working format you had to first follow a set of very vague instructions described using Powerpoint.

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