The other syntax

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Did the universe really begin?<BR/>
Is the theory of the big bang true?<BR/>
These are not questions, though they sound like they are.<BR/>
Is the syntax that requires begginings, developments,<BR/>
and ends as statements of fact the only syntax that exists?<BR/>
That's the real question.<BR/>
There is one, for example, which demands that varieties<BR/>
of intensity be taken as facts.<BR/>
In that syntax nothing begins and nothing ends;<BR/>
thus birth is not such a clean, clear-cut event,<BR/>
but a specific type of intensity,<BR/>
and so is maturation, and so is death.<BR/>
A man of that syntax, looking over his equations, finds that<BR/>
he has calculated enough varieties of intensity<BR/>
to say with authority<BR/>
that the universe never began<BR/>
and will never end,<BR/>
but that it has gone, and is going now, and will go<BR/>
through endless fluctuations of intensity.<BR/>
That man could very well conclude that the universe itself<BR/>
is the chariot of intensity<BR/>
and that one can board it<BR/>
to journey through changes without end.<BR/>
He will conclude all that, and much more,<BR/>
perhaps without ever realizing<BR/>
that he is merely confirming<BR/>
the syntax of his mother tongue.<BR/>
From the Active Side of Infinity...

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