Promoting the medicinal benifits of Absynth

2 Conversations

So, you've had a really bad day. Your boss is not happy, your car makes strange noises that you just know are going to be expensive in the long run, your bank manager is getting impatient, and its raining outside - you need an answer! Well, I have that answer - and it can only be found in Czechoslovakia! The answer to all this (and more!) lies in the beautiful green form of Absynth, the strongest, most unpallettable liquor on earth! Its got 75% alchohol, it burns your mouth when you drink it, and its very, very cheap. This makes it a beautiful drink, oder Wundermittel auf Deutsch.
I'm not a big drinker, but I'd say I can do about as much as the next man - but after just three of these wee-beasties I forgot all my troubles. In fact, I couldn't remember anything for the next 14 hours!!!! But then, as quickly as it came, drunkness subsided, without a trace of a hangover - a boon for the side-parter in a hurry. So, the moral of my entry is: You want to lose it, lose it in Prague - it'll cost you next to nothing, and there are absolutley no bad side-effects... except maybe raving alchoholism, but we can handle that, can't we?

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