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There are three definitions for skids. They are slightly different, but it is ideal to know them both. The word 'skid' only applies to the male of da species.

Skid #1: Those little 8 year olds who hang around with big 15 year old kids. They have tans (name me a pale skid), lots of desinger gear and, bizarrely, jewellery. They think of themselves as hard nuts. This is down to the presence of the much older person. You start picking on a skid on his own and he'll come out with all sorts of rubbish about "don't hurt me" and "I never did nuffin" and "lemmee 'lone ya freak woss wrong wiv ya?" They almost always have dopey voices.
Back to the jewellary. It seems odd that people who want to be hard would wear things designed for women. If necklaces and rings are so attractive for them, why not start wearing bras and suspenders etc. You may notice an earring on the left ear. This is meant to signify homosexuality or something. Tell this to the skid and he'll say "uh you should know 'cos you are one".The mind boggles.
Skids are also good at football and are quite stupid.

Skid #2: By now either the original skid has matured into the older variety, or the previously normal kid has just discovered 'cool'.
These skids are teenagers. They hang round in little communities, where it is forbidden to speak/interact with anyone else, unless they are part of the clan, have 'respect', or you want to bully them. These skids also have dopey voices, designer gear, are class at football and are stupid. The jewellary is much rarer. If a skid wears jewellary, then it'll either have an 'in' logo on it or some bizarre meaning that attracts girls.
That's another thing. Girls will willingly talk to some skids but never engage in anything involving one party touching another. The skid will then assume he's great with girls and boast about it to everybody. Other skids can pull no problem.
Again, if you can start beating up a skid on his own, you'll find out that 8 times out of 10 they're pansies. They'll get beaten black and blue but still think they're invunerable afterwards. Then he'll get the rest of the tribe over to show you how solid he is. Little knowing that he's more of a wuss and needs all his friends to help chin somebody.

Skid #3: More rare these. This type will occaisonly congregate with other, more skiddy skids, but will always deny his skiddiness and be ready to mix with more desirable/normal folk. These skids aren't really as bad as the above, they either:
(a)accidently act like them.
(b)have some mystical ability that allows them to be accepted into conversations with skids, but never get involved enough to be part of the group.
(c)want to be seen as cool, but just arn't that skiddy.

All 3 types will only ever listen to music that is 'in'. It is forbidden to like anything that is more than 5 years old or done by anyone with talent. ie Eric Clapton's My Father's Eyes is a lovely song. It shows that a guitar does not need to be used as a torture instrument. Skids will hate it.
Look in the charts. 95% of what's in there has been manufactured for skids. A band today only has to make itself popular with these dregs of society to hit #1. And there's jack **** I can do about it.

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