Schrodinger's Cats

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One of the greatest mysteries of the animal kingdom is the mysterious breed of cat called, Schrodinger's Cat. These cats are by nature very rare as they spend their time in boxes, and they only have a 50/50 chance of surviving their ordeal in the box.

Another quirk in their nature is that when in the box, they really aren't there. In fact they are neither dead nor alive. This makes it very hard to find them, because if they aren't there, dead, or alive, the only other option is that they are in fact not real. However we know that physics is real, so these cats are real.

Efforts to find one of these cats came to and end recently while a group of physicists were having a few drinks at the local pub. There is nothing like doing 'back of the postage stamp physics' while having a drink. Though it took them more than a postage stamp, more like a drink coaster/mat, they were able to prove the very existence of these cats.

For those who of you want to own a cat, the physicists are sorry to say they don't give you much company like other cats, as they spend all their time in their box.

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