Cow Bingo

3 Conversations

Yes, people really do spend money on this crap.

Cow Bingo is, as the name suggests, a form of gambling. It is proof that anyone will gamble on anything they have at their disposal.

Let's get to the rules.

First, you need a cow. It is true that any other type of cattle or livestock would probably do, but since this is Cow Bingo and not Any Other Type of Cattle or Livestock Bingo, using any other kind of animal is against the spirit of the game.

Next, you need a fenced plot of land for the cow to be let loose in. Divide this plot into any number of smaller spaces.

Finally, put money on the space you think the cow will soil first (and urinating DOESN'T COUNT!).

Friendly games between farmhands usually result in the winner receiving the entire pot, but Cow Bingo is increasingly being used by rural churches, hunting clubs, or any number of other rural organizations as a means of fundraising. If you bet on one of these fundraisers and win you are very likely to recieve a firearm of some sort. Only a very few will actually give you part of the cash.

One final note: Because of the particular type of people engaged in this type of activity (mostly farmers), you may, on rare occasions, be given the pile of feces as an extra special bonus.

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