This is a Journal entry by purplejenny
Long time
purplejenny Posted Apr 4, 2005
hey hey! Long time no see.
I got a new job since I last saw you. I'm working at a clippings agency now, as an overnight reader of the national press.
How's all that tricky studying coming along?
Long time
GTBacchus Posted Apr 4, 2005
(more like ,
, then <curry>
Oh, the studying is good, although I'm more excited about teaching these days. They've entrusted me with the molding of young minds, which is scary, but I think it's going well.
Still have any plans to cross the pond and visit us coloines sometime?
Long time
purplejenny Posted Apr 7, 2005
well, yes, i'm planning a trip to New York in late May, as a couple of old pals of mine moved to the Big Apple this year, and I would love to visit them soon. I hope to stay for about a week, and incorporate a vistin to see 'Spamaolot' on Broadway.
Perhaps we could arrange a mini-mmet? where in the US are U?
Long time
GTBacchus Posted Apr 8, 2005
Well, I'm in Oregon, which isn't really in New York's neighborhood... I may be in NY some time in August, but you'll be back home by then... oh, for the days when I had nothing but money and time, and could go to England every few months just to hang out with fun people from hootoo!
That's the trouble with settling down and becoming a responsible, on-the-grid member of society. I really *can't* just skip town anymore. But I like my teaching, and someday, I'll make more than a pittance doing it!
Long time
purplejenny Posted Apr 13, 2005
pardon you dude.
I wish I had more cash - free time isn't the problem for me as I get every other week off after a 7 night shift block, but the wages aren't great.
Still, swings and roundabouts. I'd rather be skint and relaxed than hypertense and wealthy.
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Long time
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