This is a Journal entry by Phoenix
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
Phoenix Started conversation Aug 31, 2000
Well, let's see, where to start ......
First off, I have only one more day of work left 'til I'm unemployed again. I'm getting some severance pay so I'm planning on paying my rent and bills a couple of months in advance so I can take some time off. I'm planning on just relaxing for the whole month of Sept. and possible half of October before I go out to find a new job. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, haven't even thought much about it really. Ah, it'll be good to have some time when I don't have to get up early in the morning for work.
Nextly, I had a really hoopy weekend this past weekend. My girlfriend (Luna) and I went out off town to Glenwood Springs for a romantic anniversary. We got to sit in the hot springs by the river and had a great time. We also got to see a bear climbing up the side of a hill as we were driving back to the inn Saturday evening. I hadn't seen one in the wild before, only in circuses and such. Cool critters them bears.
Don't wanna make 'em mad though. Another very cool thing about our trip is that we got to listen to the entire Hitchhiker's radio series (I got the CD's from the Shop here at H2G2) on our trip. Neither I nor Luna (who is also an avid Hitchhiker's fan) had heard it in it's entirety before.
Very hoopy, highly recommended.
Lastly, Another round of ACE recruiting is here. I've put in my application, but haven't heard back yet. Since I'm already good about greeting people, and really enjoy hanging out on H2G2, I figure I'll probably get the position. It's been a dream of mine, every since I first read the Hitchhiker series, to work in some capacity for the Hitchhiker's Guide.
Anyhoo, I hope that everything is going well with whoever is reading this. "Relax and enjoy your shoes. Relax and enjoy your shoes. ..."
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
njan (afh) Posted Sep 3, 2000
I've got nothing to do this morning, so I'm spending inordinate amounts of time on the guide. I've been following links left, right, and centre, and somehow I ended up here.
You do a good job welcoming people - good luck on the ACE application. ...
The pentagram is really funky, btw.. did you make it, or nab it from somewhere? (<-- uses one written for his 5 elements article)
- Njan.
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
Phoenix Posted Sep 3, 2000
Wow, someone actually commented on one of my journal entries. Thanks for stopping by.
The 'petagram' isn't actualy a petagram, as it only has four points (sort of). It's a personal symbol that I believe has been with me through multiple lifetimes, and to me it is my name. Since words change over the centuries, and sometimes you get in bodies that have limited vocal abilities, it's always seemed handy to identify myself with a visual reference. One can usually scribble in the dirt, unless you're a plant, in which case you're probably not doing much communicating in the audio/visual world anyway. To summarize the star, other than as my name, it represents to me "The four elements, and unbound spirit."
As far as my spoken name goes, I've always looked on that as sort of a word for convenience sake, changing thoughout one's greater lifetime.
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
njan (afh) Posted Sep 4, 2000
Oh, I see.... I apologise, I thought it was just an unusual pentagram because of the shiny thing at the top. All the same, that's still very funky.
No problem! I randomly drop in on people a lot.
I have some sort of symbol that means something relating to previous lifes (it's something that's cropped up when I tried regression therapy) which is a circle with a line coming out of it, but I have no idea what this means.
I see.
- Njan.
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
Phoenix Posted Sep 4, 2000
No reason to apologize. The shiny bit at the top is supposed to give the impression of a petagram, even though the actual figure is not.
Perhaps your circle with a line coming from it means you, your name. I know other people who remember symbols in this way too. Each that I've met so far who remembers such a symbol believes it to be some form of their name. Do you draw it often?
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
njan (afh) Posted Sep 6, 2000
No.... no, in fact I don't think I've ever drawn it before ever.
The only way in which I could see it being representative of my name would be if it was a lower-case J with no crook and the dot joined to the rest of the letter. So like an extended lower-case I.
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
njan (afh) Posted Sep 6, 2000
I see it as representing me. I'd tell you what that is, but it'd take hours. That and I'm not quite sure myself.
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
Phoenix Posted Sep 6, 2000
What's the difference between "repesenting you" and being your name?
Isn't a name (in the conventional manner of speaking) simply a word that represents something?
Sorry if my questions bother you, I like to play devils advocate sometimes.
Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
njan (afh) Posted Sep 7, 2000
I don't see my normal name as representing me. It was cooked up far before I was ever alive, and chosen for me when I was only just alive. Hence it doesn't represent me. Since Njan is a creation of me, and was designed by me and for me, it can be seen to truly represent me.
It's a word, and it represents things, but not (neccacerily(sp?)) the person in question whose (or one of the people whose) name it is.
Not at all.
- Njan.
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Hoopyness all around ...... :-)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."