Journal Entries


finally i gave in and make some decent changes to my space. like the new look? i do. looks like smiley - stout infused gibberish. so i will be tweaking it until i get a better hobby or until those men in white coats come back for me... at least those green faeries came back to dance on my keyboard. must mean i'm a wee bit more than smiley - drunk. wonder what i'm drinking?

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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2000

Load of Crap.

so my page looks nicer, but my pic is only visible in netscape but in netscape the other pics are off a bit and the text gets mixed up with the images. i don't get that at all. ok, so my HTML skills are rusty and i have limited patience with it, but still.... what a load of crap.

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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2000


it's been quiet here in my corner of the world. and even more silent here at my page. in that time i decided to finally finish my webpage. (the link is on the side) and even got amibtious and made The Fish Files. there really was no option on that though, my fish said they would escape if i didn't.
but even though i worked very hard on my page, those bloody buttons still won't work properly and no one can tell me how to fix them.
i think i'm going to go scream at the deer.

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2000


yeah yeah. sign the book and be done with it.

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Latest reply: Nov 20, 2000


i think i may make it official. i will most likely leave here soon. i have started to dismantle one webpage, and one diary. there really isn't a point in keeping most of this anyway. i wish i could say, no, nevermind, i can't say that here. i have to change some things and i just have to find a spark of life in me to do it. maybe i will survive the coming storm, maybe i won't. but it won''t matter to that many people. i would say it won't matter to anyone, but i am trying to fool myself into thinking that someone would care. i don't want pity, i don't want sympathy. what i want is.... well, something i can't have unless i go to such an extreme, but i won't try. and maybe that makes me stupid, but that's fine. if i tried and failed, i would end it there, because i would not survive the letdown. so no one gets to know what that one thing is.
so if i don't come back, or if it takes awhile.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2000

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glitter girl Keeper of the Glowing Glitter and Curator of the Polyester Slacks Museum

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