
Bats are cute fluffy creatures too!

Besides being really, really useful by eating nasty biting insects and pollinating banana trees, (mmm...banana donuts...) bats are also small and hairy mammals, like hamsters or gerbils, or cats, if they are big. Okay, so they fly, unlike said mammals in normal circumstances, but so do budgies. And they are cute too.Bats also have big ears and some species have big eyes as well, which is sure sign of unbearable cuteness (i.e. Bambi).
So there you have it, bats are cute as buttons (what a stupid idiom. What's cute about buttons?) - or anything that's really cute - kittens, that's fine, cute as kittens, they've just had bad press for centuries. And that's only in Europe, in China bats bring luck, in Samoa they are a delicacy and for aztecs they were holy.

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[no subject] Jan 25, 2003
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