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The Bernoulli Bullshit

Every textbook, every ask Mr. Scientist show when explainig ‘How Airplanes Fly’ it seems will include the diagram of the cross section of the wing with the flat bottom and the curved top. There’ll be strings of air demonstrating how much farther it has to go on the top. That makes it thin out there which means lower pressure. It’s because of what Mr Bernouli discovered. Nod your head now and think ‘Now I Know’

What you should ask is ‘Then how do paper airplanes fly? they don’t have that wing cross section. How come almost no airplanes have that cross section?’

It’s because the engineers are blowing smoke up your ass. They need to pretend that they are smarter than you. They only know more stuff than you.

The classic air foil is a marvelous refinement and is used in some slow flying aircraft but that’s not what keeps an aircraft flying.

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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2007

Stranger than Fiction

Why is the truth stranger than fiction and why do people prefer fiction? Why, when faced with a choice between a hard truth and a squishy story, we reach for another donut and say it won't hurt us?

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2007


I feel the overwhelming urge to infect the world with strange memes. Since I've discovered the internet, I've become discouraged that my imagination is up to it. There's a lot of weird stuff out there. Then, maybe not so bad. For an idea to be infectious, it has to fit. No amount of propaganda can change that.

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2007

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