This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Too much travel

Post 221

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

are you the one standing next to the teacher?
thats pretty cool!
do you guys have a marching band?
fordsmiley - cheers

Too much travel

Post 222

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Our school website is really gay, and I don't think I'm in it.
If you want to see it, it's here:
Very boring, and not at all an accurate representation of our school. I don't think we have a marching band, but we have a Scottish Pipe Band...

Too much travel

Post 223

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

OH!! i wanna see... wait... BAGPIPE BAND?!?!?! AAHH!!!!smiley - run i wanted to joing, but without a marching band and a BAGPIPE band i would die!
fordsmiley - cheers

Too much travel

Post 224

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Yeah, one of my roomies is in it and she plays bagpipes in our dorm...smiley - erm
It's something to do with our school's Scottish heritage or something...

Too much travel

Post 225

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

BTW, Fred, I checked out your school's site, but the picture of you wouldn't load!
Other than that, the site is pretty cool. Except you'd better tell the anime club that their links aren't working, or at least on my end they aren't.

Too much travel

Post 226


Oh poo.. I helped make one of the links too. I did the gallery. I'll tell mr. Y.

Thanks for leting me know.

WOW Midnight, I love your school uniforms... I've always wanted one like that. (I'm weird)

Too much travel

Post 227

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

You love our school uniforms? Are you insane (well, no - the rest of the school will kill me for this, but I think the uniforms are okay...)
I've been wearing uniforms like that since Year 6, when I started at my old school.
You should check out the boarding house link if you haven't already - it gives a fairly accurate rundown of our day...smiley - smiley

Too much travel

Post 228


Wow... I love uniforms. In elmentry, we got "uniforms" but That was just pathetic. We had to where a shirt with a caller and our log on it. THATS IT! it could be any color, and you could where what ever else you wanted. Kids flipped out! "OMG! YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO ALL WEAR THE SAME DESIGN SHIRT!"

It was so stupid. it was more like a dress code than a "uniform" But kids still hated it.
and yes I am the one next to the teacher.


Post 229

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Hey everybody -
Thought it was about time I posted some photos on here, because I've been taking a heap this week so far. We've got a weeklong excursion thing in the city happening this week, so I've taken heaps of random shots. Here are some of them, for your viewing pleasure, courtesy of

Boost Juice - the best juice bar ever!!

They sell Metcards here, in case you couldn't tell...

Our legs and feet... for no reason at all, but it gives you another glimpse of our uniform...

Starbucks!! Coffee!! Caffeine in general!!

A random dude talking on the phone... I have no idea who he is, but anyway:

The city of Melbourne (well, one side of it) from high up on the 55th floor of the Rialto Tower (as high as you can go in Melbourne):

A skeleton that reminded me of Homer Simpson for some reason:

What I drank for recess (it's really nice stuff, that):

Phar Lap, who was Australia's greatest racing horse ever (apparently) and is now stuffed and residing in the Melbourne museum (from my own unique point of view)... zoom out a bit for this one:

I'll probably put more up during the week. Enjoy!


Post 230


Those are great! the only one I couldn't load was the "homer simson" thing. It said the link expired. I'm gonna bring a camera to school, and show you guys stuff soon. But I do have a few pictures. The're really random.


A really pretty eye (that belongs to my friend):

Kalei doing homework in the car:

Kalei giving me an evil glair while chatting with friends befor the bell:

Pettyjon working on our video progect:

Samm working on her video package:

Pettyjon and Bales having a slappy fight:

Mr. Powel posing for the camera:

Some dude cooking at a japanese "fry infront of your face" place:

My mums gipsy and arabic belly-dancing group (she dances the traditional stuff, not the sexy hooker stuff):

HA! Black mail picture:

And thats about it. Like I said. Completly random... I'll get better ones soon don't worry!


Post 231

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Nice! I'll put some more up soon too. Your friend Sam is really pretty. Pettyjon sounds funny...smiley - smiley


Post 232


Yeah, Pettyjon's a bit odd. He where's a collared shirt, and tie everyday to school and carries around a briefcase. He’s a show off and a know-it-all, except for the fact that he doesn’t really know it all. He kisses up to all the teachers, and beside the fact that he’s stubborn, has a huge ego, and can get EXTREEMLY irritating…. he’s quite nice.smiley - biggrin


Post 233

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Hmmm... and you count him among your friends?
What kind of a name is Pettyjon?


Post 234


er no not really, not "Friend" just sort of ... there.

His reall names Dillon, but we all call him by his last name cause it sounds funny.


Post 235

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

You're right, it does. Nobody calls me by my last name. It's not a weird or unusual name by any means, but they just don't. I don't know why...


Post 236


I have 3 main names.....

"hey you"




or on here I'm



Post 237

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

You get called "spaz"? I don't think you're spaz. But then again, I've never met you face to face, so you might be for all I know. You might even be some perverted thirty-year-old stalker with nothing better to do, but I doubt it. I mean, highly doubt it. *sideways glance* You aren't stalking me, are you?smiley - tongueout

And nobody calls me Midnight except on the internet. In fact, I don't even think any of my friends know this site exists. Which is a blessing, in a way...smiley - biggrin


Post 238


Same here, no one calls me fred except on here. My friends know about h2g2 though.

I'm always "hhg this, and h2g2 that...." it drives them nuts! so the'll never join. wich is sort of good.

And the name sPaz, who knows why they call me that? *twich* I just don't *twitch* understand it! *twitch, twitch*

No really though, the name came from the Almighty Spot in web class last year. i was hyper in the morning when we had the class, and I sat next to her. On day she turn around and said, "OMG! your such a spaz! You know what? I'm gonna CALL you spaz" And because I couldn't think of a good comeback I said, "Oh yeah? Well i'm gonna call you...... SPOT!"

And the names stuck!


Post 239


Same here, no one calls me fred except on here. My friends know about h2g2 though.

I'm always "hhg this, and h2g2 that...." it drives them nuts! so the'll never join. wich is sort of good.

And the name sPaz, who knows why they call me that? *twich* I just don't *twitch* understand it! *twitch, twitch*

No really though, the name came from the Almighty Spot in web class last year. i was hyper in the morning when we had the class, and I sat next to her. On day she turn around and said, "OMG! your such a spaz! You know what? I'm gonna CALL you spaz" And because I couldn't think of a good comeback I said, "Oh yeah? Well i'm gonna call you...... SPOT!"

And the names stuck!

AND NO I"M NOT STALKING YOU.... are you stalkng me?


Post 240

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

No - I'm not stalking you, don't worry. I know nothing about you except what you've told me.smiley - smiley

Hehehe - you double-posted!

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