This is the Message Centre for Phill -E-

Hello out there

Post 1

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

Hi smiley - smiley, it doesn't seem as if any ACE came by to greet you to the guide, so I would like to do so, even though it really doesn't probably mean much to you. smiley - smiley
The real reason that I stopped by is to inform you, that as a sub-editor for this wholly remarkable community, I have received your article on New Brighton. My job is to edit it, (obviously) and would like to just say that I am going to approve the article for use in the approve guide, now all it has to do is make it through the big editors in England. Well congrats, and I hope that you come back to useing the guide for your writing here. smiley - smiley

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