This is the Message Centre for Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Post 21

Arisztid Lugosi

i have a kitty cat. i love her so much. her names strips. i got her for my 9th birthday. sometimes she sleeps wiht me. all warm and curled up and purring. its so cute, and very comforting. i think everyone should have a cat... well not every one. only the people that want one, but i think you know what i mean.

Post 22

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I doo... smiley - ok

smiley - cuddle

Post 23

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddle

when i go to bed i'm going to find my cat first. then i'l bring her upstairs and put her on my bed and then she can sleep with me. it sjsut like haveing a loveing warm and furry hot water bottle.

you do have a cat? or you want one?

Post 24

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

No I don't have a cat. smiley - sadface
I've never had one, so I'm not sure I'd be able to look after it properly. smiley - erm I do like them though. I like dogs, too, but I think I'd rather /own/ a cat than a dog. Cats are cuddlier.

Sleep well! smiley - cheers

Post 25

Arisztid Lugosi

awww... well maybe you can have a virtual cat.... like this....

smiley - blackcat

*jerms new virtual cat rubs it self against Jerms' legs, and purrs loudly*

i think it needs a name....

Post 26

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Yay! smiley - biggrin

I shall call him 'Squishy' and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. smiley - smileysmiley - ok

smiley - hug

Post 27

Arisztid Lugosi

aww...i love that part of the show!!!smiley - love

*squishy purrs and rubs herslf against jerms' legs some more*

i've discovered that there are disadvantages to being goth and having a cat...all the fur shows up....

she jsut woke up, so i have to go now. but i'll be here tomorrow for sure to answer any posts i might get form you.smiley - smiley

smiley - cuddle missed you last night.

Post 28

Arisztid Lugosi

*runs in from the 'absolutely beautiful' thread looking for a big long smiley - cuddle for comfort*

smiley - wah for some reason D_R scares me. i jsut feel intimidated. i feel kind of like i've been told what to do in a way. it wasnt like a warm fuzzy kind of discussion like we'd been having, if you know waht i mean, it was more like a lectuer or something... it was interesting to hear what they had to say... but at the same time.... i dont know. i'm not really sure what i'm getting at. it was jsut a sort of feeling... maybe its jsut me... i hope you come back soon. i'm sure i'll fell better then...*continues to mumble on...* maybe i was imagining it... perhaps i'm bing too touchy or something... too sensitive? am i trying to react to somehting thats not there?.....ect.

Post 29

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle
I'm not sure whether D_R was /intending/ to lecture you, but if he wasn't then he really should have chosen his words better. I've just gone to read those posts and I've already decided I don't like him. He has the kind of hypocrisy presented by people who like other people to listen to them, but don't want to accept anyone else's ideas, or to reevaluate his own. smiley - sadface
Still, if it's any consolation I'm not convinced he'll be back again; he's only new, he hasn't got an intro on his page, and the only conversations he partook in were that one and the ACE visit one... which he didn't reply to. I suspect he just wanted to throw his opinions at us and leave again.
Don't let his problems bug you, babe. He's the one who has to deal with them, not you. smiley - hug

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Post 30

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddle
thanks so much jerms. i knew you'd make me feel bettersmiley - smiley.
i agree, thats it exactly. the kind of annoying person who thinks they're right and doesnt even want to hear anyone elses opinion.
i hope he wont be back. i dislike feeling intimidated.

"Don't let his problems bug you, babe. He's the one who has to deal with them, not you"
i've got to somehow burn that into my brain. but so long as you're here to canstantly remind me i'll be ok.smiley - smiley

thanks again Jermssmiley - cuddlesmiley - hug

Post 31

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Yay! You're back online! Give me a minute to set up some test series and then I can talk to you more. How was your weekend? smiley - hug

Post 32

Arisztid Lugosi

ok i just read what you had to say on the absolutely beautiful thread. it was marvelous! i didnt really think i should say taht there but i think you should know how impressed i am. my problem is that i got intimidated so i went away, if i hadnt known that you would come and know what to say i probably would have tried to say somehing. but anyway. i was just so impressed! i just dont have enough knowlage to tell him what was wrong wiht some of the things he said, i jsut knew there was something wrong... by the way your last line was brilliant " "...if you don't mind, I wish to light more incense, dance to ritual chants, and drink my girlfriends blood." Yeah you do that. Your words are hypocrisy. Go away now. Perhaps you might like to update your intro while you're gone." how do yo think of these things? and i appreciated the fact that you drew attention to the fact that i wansnt the only one there.smiley - hug thanks.

by the way are you going to be on tomorrow? i mean i really want to stay up and talk to you but i have relatives staying over and i'm not supposed to be on even now. but i just couldnt resist! also i dont feel very well so i think i'm not going to stay up too much longer.smiley - cuddle

Post 33

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Thank you thank you. This is why I'm always honest. Even if it's not very nice.

I don't expect to be on tomorrow. smiley - cry I have to work instead.
In fact I may not be back on for another two weeks; it's the midsemester break now so I'm only here to finish this assignment.
And then I have to work as hard and as fast as I can 'coz I'm so very broke, and need the money.
smiley - hug don't be sick. It's bad.
I'll try to come online if I can, to catch up. I may even still be here when you get up in the morning. smiley - smiley

Post 34

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - sadfaceaww..
well if i see you in two weeks then i guess thats ok. you'll just have about 3 or more posts on each of our conversations because i missed you and thought of something else to saysmiley - cuddle

you werent here in the morning but hopefully you can get on for just a little bit later.

i'm feeling much better now. i went to bed and curled up into a little ball under the covers and eventually fell asleep. even though i was thinking about the fact that i was missing talking to you. which was really too bad as i was raelly looking foreward to it. but oh well. darn relatives and feeling ill.
smiley - hug<hugsmiley - hug
go make lots of money... then you can have that castle builtsmiley - winkeye

Post 35

Arisztid Lugosi

well D_R has come back... and hes being even more impolite than before... but i decided that as you were going to be gone for a while, and job seems to have dissapeared that i should be brave and reply.... i'm not too sure how good i was at itsmiley - erm i suppose you can tell me when you get back....
quite frankly i was shocked.... i've never seen anyone on hootoo get that upset before.... but in an odd way i was amused too. he got so worked up about it. ok i know its not amusing... smiley - erm i just found it so at the time... hm.... i really dont know how to describe it...

anyway.... i miss yousmiley - cuddle. i hope D_R doesnt comm back untill you do... i really dont think i'm as good at all that as you are...smiley - erm

Post 36

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - hug I had to come back to finish my assignment; I didn't finish it on monday night, but I absolutely /have/ to finish it today.
Pity D_R came back, I'm really not in the mood to deal with his bull right now.
I'm just going to yikes his first post, and then explain politely.
I've seen this happen to other people before; I was hoping I wouldn't get attacked in this way, but I guess it's inevitable that some people think that just because they're talking online they can say what they like and not have to face any consequences. smiley - grr

Post 37

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

i'm so glad you're back!!!
and i'm sorry that D_R is being such a jerk.smiley - hug

it is a pity he came back...

Post 38

Arisztid Lugosi

did you want to come and join the offical viking ship?
i started one yesterday... you get to be a commander... because you were on the original thread...
its lots of fun... come and join me BC and Tanzen....

Post 39

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I'm getting there... just having to do a lot of things at once at the moment...
Have just yikes'd D_R's post. smiley - huh I thought it got removed automatically? Obviously not. It must need a moderator's approval first.

smiley - hugsmiley - cheers

Post 40

Arisztid Lugosi

i think it does have a moderators thingy first...
good for you, i would never have thougt to yikes it... it makes me so mad that people can be so mean! but i'm very impressed that you handled it so well. i'm so proud of you! smiley - cuddlesmiley - hug. you were very polite. well done *pat on the back*

i cant wait to see you at the shipsmiley - smiley

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