This is the Message Centre for Lord Preston
hullo m'lord
Lord Preston Posted Nov 20, 2003
i managed 2 get a D 4 latin in the end! i was so impressed, lol. errr maths and physics were never my strong point, i just dont see the intreast really and find it way 2 hard. tho my brothers got a masters in maths now and is teaching so maybe he stole all my good maths genes! can people do that omy, has there ever been the case of one zebra stealing another zebra's stripy gene for a practical joke after they've had one 2 many of what ever zebra's drink on a night out? you should know, your doing the course! lol
Lord Preston
hullo m'lord
jazzme Posted Nov 21, 2003
Surely a zebra with no stripes is just a pony?
We'll have to wait for Omy to sort that one out!
hullo m'lord
the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" Posted Nov 30, 2003
soz guys for delay in replying..........
evil work load
maybe they'll let me do my project next year on the possiibility of gene stealing...... but somehow i doubt it!
hullo m'lord
jazzme Posted Dec 1, 2003
must be near your end-of-term and a blissful break for christmas - going home are you? So Santa will know where to drop the pressies off? Have a love and a
soon be able sit around the
hullo m'lord
the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" Posted Dec 3, 2003
week & half to go... woohooo!
going home 4 weekend, coming back for bit, home 4 Christmas week probably, back here 4 new years then my birthday!
still got lots of work to get done before then tho
got a magic here... one of those 'grow your own crystals' type things.
will be proper big one back home... hopefully I'll get to decorate it since that is my official role at home at Christmas!
well, back to the grindstone....
cheers for the &
hullo m'lord
jazzme Posted Dec 3, 2003
I'll think of you working hard but hope you enjoy the week-end break in the meantime.
Have to start saving up for presents for you - Christmas, New Year, Birthday We'll start with another
for now
hullo m'lord
Lord Preston Posted Dec 9, 2003
ok who was it??? who knocked the tree over? i mean thats just rude!
i have 2 say being out here in auss is wierd 4 christmass, its allsunny and everything yet the cards still have snow scenes on and things.... its bizzare.
talk 2 u guys again soon, and put the tree backup!
Lord Preston
hullo m'lord
jazzme Posted Dec 9, 2003
T'wasn't me mi lord honest - never went anywhere near it!!
I suppose we should be thankful it was on it's side and not upside down since it came from aus.
Guess you'll start christmas 12 hours or so earlier than us so here's wishing you a Merry Christmas now - just in case.
And to you too Omy in case you are too busy with Christmas preparations when you get home from university - have a great time
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hullo m'lord
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