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Post 861


The plan is also to make a scrapbook of memories of Maxy and print some photos to put in it. It is difficult that death and loss may well open up strong feelings of when my mother-in=law died for everyone in the family, so I hope we can approach the grief positively and show that it is acceptable to grieve and a way to express it positively.

Which it sounds like you have been doing for Valentine's Day - and even better with Lego, the flower that keeps building. I was given a Lego plant from my friend Chris for my birthday thus year, which was very kind and the kittens enjoyed helping me build.

But talking of birthday smiley - gift that requires construction, today my daughter and I made the Gingerbread House. We didn't have any icing sugar before, you see, and every time we'd been to the super resource centre it has been something that's slipped our minds, but we remembered and bought lots of sweets to go on it too. As we don't have a piping tube, well, we used a spoon and at first it looked very neat and tidy, but the house collapsed, so we added some more icing to hold it together better, but before you could say, 'I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down!' the house collapsed once more. So we decided to repeat the same tactic of adding more icing sugar, in the hope that if we kept doing the same thing, eventually we'd get a different output, and bits of it held. And well, long story short, it is still held together but we made a bit of a mess.
Very therapeutic activity, though, so very much appreciated. And after dinner we'll get to taste it. I'll send you a picture!

- Interrupted by delivery, to be continued later. -



Post 862


Sorry about that, the week's Tesco delivery arrived (other supermarkets are available).

Oh yes, Strava. I wondered whether you'd be interested in trying something? I've tagged you in when we went to Titchfield Abbey last year on Strava, and wondered if you are able to accept that you were there with me. You should then be able to edit your version of that activity to crop the start and end from the railway station to by the roundabout, and change the activity from cycling to wheelchair, without it affecting my activity at all. I think it is worth a try at any rate?

Well done on getting the report out of the data system - that's a smiley - mammoth herded for now!



Post 863

SashaQ - happysad

That's a lovely idea about the scrapbook, too. Yes, grief can be different at different times... I know Maxy isn't the first smiley - cat your family has grieved, but this grief could mix with other griefs indeed... All the best to you all smiley - tea

The Lego flower series is very clever - a mix of Technic Lego and specialist pieces smiley - ok Not always easy to fit the pieces together, but very satisfying when it's done smiley - ok

Well done to you and your daughter for constructing the Gingerbread House! Thank you for the photos - great to see! Sorry I didn't realise it wasn't a complete kit like the other ones my sister gave me in previous years... That was a challenge that the icing wasn't included, and they didn't even give you a piping bag... Glad it was therapeutic overall smiley - magic Definitely a year for difficult kits from my sister - I managed to do the Cloisonné one within a couple of weeks. It involved bending metal wire and gluing it to the board that was provided, then adding coloured sand like paint, and then adding spray glue all over to fix the sand in place (sounded easy when my sister saw the advert!). The wire bending didn't need too much strength, but was very fiddly, so I simplified the design a bit and left one of the birds unpainted just for comparison. The sand wasn't as difficult to work with as I had feared, as the grains generally stayed where they were put rather than escaping into other compartments. There was a bit of seepage of colour when the spray glue was added, but not too bad. Overall I am pleased with how it turned out smiley - ok

Thank you very much for the Strava record of the Titchfield Abbey trip smiley - ok I wasn't able to edit it, but appreciate having it in my profile - I knew it was a record distance, but didn't realise it was a record climb as well! I'm still impressed with that achievement - an excellent day out smiley - ok

Glad your Tesco resources arrived promptly smiley - ok I went to Sainsbury's and found they had moved everything around and taken half the ceiling down, so it was quite messy, but I just about managed to find everything on my list without having to retrace my steps too far smiley - ok (plus a few items that weren't on my list, but which I found when looking for other things smiley - laugh)

Yes indeed I'm very pleased with the smiley - mammoth herding. The next challenge will be to do the smiley - dontpanic comms about it - when I produced the report, my boss said, 'That's great - can you do reports for previous years, too?' so I sent the reports that I had already done from the old system in previous years, but which had apparently been ignored... Hopefully people will read the report this time and find it as useful as I intended smiley - goodluck

Next week will involve some catching up to do on things I put to one side while herding the smiley - mammoth too, eg minutes of last week's meetings - the meetings were in the office building and thankfully I met a colleague on my way there so when I discovered the door at the top of the ramp was locked, my colleague was able to use the door at the top of the stairs and let me in smiley - ok

Anyway, before then is another day of weekend - not sure what I'll be doing, but hopefully will see some birds smiley - goodlucksmiley - ok

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