Journal Entries

Life With Anxiety

If anyone has ever had an anxiety attack, they will know that they can be very scarey. I should know, as I have been having them for the last 12 months now.

Some times I feel that life is going so great, and then one little obstacle will bring me crashing back down to Earth. Sometime I wish I get distracted again while falling and fly back up to Cloud Number 9. Generally this is not the case, and I end up being lonely, and I some times I have hurt the few people close to me because of this.

If there was ever an easy way out of such a situation in my life, I would take it. But to be fair to myself, and the people around me, I have started to do something about the attacks.

Firstly my doctor has given a drug to use should I find such attacks occuring. Since drugs only solve the immediate situation, I have also started to go to counselling.

Life is hard to start off with, and I have more than the average amount of 'background' problems causing me stress, and hence I get quite major anxiety attacks.

Maybe I should take note of The Guide's front cover says. Some times it is all to easy to tell a person not to worry, but unless you know what they are thinking, and how much thought goes into such worrying, you will see that just telling a person not to panic, or worry is easier said then done.

I could go on for ages about my life with anxiety, but I won't. I like talking with people who are willing to listen, even if it is a stranger that I may never meet. If you should happen to read this journal entry, and would like to talk to me, just leave a reply and we should be able to catch up some how.

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Latest reply: May 19, 1999

Waiting for rejection

You know that waiting for rejection is probably the hardest thing I have had to do since becoming a field researcher. I find that the longer that I have to wait, the greater the chance that my entries will be accepted. I am an impatient person by nature, and the waiting causes me to have anxiety attacks.

How would you feel when you're a grandparent and have to tell your grandchildren that all your entries into the Guide was accepted.

If the editors are having a hard time trying to decide to reject my submissions, I am willing to take them to lunch and show them that my entries are worth rejection

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Latest reply: May 18, 1999

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