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Pastey Started conversation Sep 28, 2012
Er, I didn't write the Brunel editor. I did the one in Pliny.
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vegiman:-) Posted Sep 28, 2012
Sorry Pastey
I should have changed that.
I did not say you wrote the Brunel - I found it on the Brunel skin
before I realized it was on Pliny.
Up dated it now.
Did you get my email request about letting me back into my old stomping ground - area 42 ?
all the best
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vegiman:-) Posted Sep 28, 2012
Well Happy Birthay - How many is it now
Wedding Aniversary too - I didn't know you still had someone who could put up with you having a second wife h2g2
I would appreciate it, I know you are busy.
all the best
A long winded email will be on its way over to you soon.
Did I hear echoing over h2g2
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