Journal Entries

EPISODE 18 - Halloween

Spike is back!

We see Cordy trying to get Angel’s attention away from Buffy, and Buffy wanting to be like a ‘Noble-woman’ from Angel’s past.

We meet Ethan Rayne for the first time, and glimpse that there is more to Giles than we thought! We know that we will see Ethan again, as he leave a note: “Be seeing you”

When Xander is in macho-army guy mode, we see him helping Cordy out and giving orders. We see Cordy’s first attraction to Xander in this episode.

Cordy’s solution to Buffy’s hysteria – “What’s your deal? Take a pill!”

Oz reappears in this episode, again saying about Willow: “Who is that girl?”

Buffy and Angel kiss at the end of this episode, and it marks the real beginning of their relationship as boyfriend/girlfriend and later lovers.

Cordy – Near-death experience #11

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EPISODE 17 – Reptile Boy

Buffy on her relationship with Angel: “A whole lot of nothing with Angel…he treats me like a child” smiley - sadface

Buffy on lying to Giles: “Protecting him from information that he wouldn’t be able to digest properly” smiley - biggrin

Willow to Angel and Giles (standing up to people for almost the first time):

“Well... Well, why do you think she went to that party? Because you gave her the brush-off! (ANGEL) And you (GILES), you never let her do anything except work and patrol! And I know she's the Chosen One, but you're killing her with the pressure! I mean, she's sixteen going on forty! And you! (ANGEL) I mean, you're gonna live forever! You don't have time for a cup of coffee?! Okay, I don't feel better now, and we've gotta help Buffy.” GO WILLOW smiley - yikes

Buffy’s first drinking experience smiley - bubbly

Cordy: Near-Death #10

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EPISODE 16 – Inca Mummy Girl

We see Oz for the first time smiley - biggrin. Oz re Cordelia: “She’s a wonderland tour”

Xander confesses to Buffy that Willow is his best friend, but JUST A FRIEND. Willow overhears the conversation. In the end, Xander chooses Willow’s life over his own with Ampata tries to kill Willow. What a guy smiley - love

Poor Cordy: Her exchange student doesn’t even ‘speak American’

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EPISODE 15 – School Hard

Spike smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love and Drusilla come to town! smiley - biggrin

Spike takes on Buffy, and is scared away from her mum. His reaction: “A Slayer with family and friends. That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure.”

Joyce tells Buffy that she is proud of her, despite the fact that she is not doing so well in school. We also see Joyce’s first meeting with Snyder

Spike kills The Anointed (or “Annoying) One.

James Marsters steals every scene that he is in.

Cordy’s near experience (#9) leaves her praying in the bathroom with Willow!

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EPISODE 14 – Some Assembly Required

We see a jealous side of Angel, still upset about Buffy’s slow dance with Xander. She admits that she only did it to make him jealous.

Giles and Jenny’s first date!

Cordy – Near-Death experience #8 (I forgot to mention #7 in “When she was Bad”)

Cordy (after finding bits of 3 dead girls bodies in the bin: “Why are these terrible things always happening to me?”
Xander’s response (coughing as he speaks): “Karma”

Thoughts from Xander: “People don’t fall in love with what’s right in front of them – people want the dream – what they can’t have, the more unattainable, the more attractive” Buffy using a similar speech with Spike in “Touched”, where she says that he only wants her because she is unattainable.

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