This is the Message Centre for AUREUS


Post 1

Siren Of The Black

Simpsons! Yay! We all love the Simpsons... Ehem, sorry... You have a very cool handle, if you don't mind me asking, what does it mean?
Oh! and welcome to hootoo smiley - smiley
smiley - magic

hi siren

Post 2


hi to u siren...i am new to this and findin my feet so to speak..the simpsons are cool and HOMER is the main AUREUS was a roman gold coin and i love the name...please feel free to get back to me as i am just new on here and could do with someone to help me on my way..will u be my fwend..plzzzzzzzzzzzzz??? is a cool name as well xxxxxxx

hi siren

Post 3

Siren Of The Black

Ah ha! Sorry, I recognise that name now... We have a medieval village by me and I bought a coin on chain from their gift shop and it was an aureus (sp?...) *realisation dawns* smiley - winkeye
Homer is the dude! He's a beast! smiley - laugh He's my idol smiley - winkeye
I'll help you on your way, or at least try to... I'm not very good at stuff on here, but I'll give it my best shot! smiley - winkeye Try this page for excellent smileys:
And yes I will be your fwend *roflol* smiley - tickle in fact if you don't mind, I'll add you to my friends list?.... (if you're in alabaster you should be able to add me to yours by visiting my site and looking at the blue box in the top right, you should be able to click add to friends list.... I'm not sure about the other skins as I'm in alabaster...)
Heh, I chose Siren as I liked the idea of beautiful but lethal women... However, I cannot sing very well so as opposed to luring sailors to their doom on the rocks, I think I may just make their heads explode... smiley - erm
smiley - winkeye
Hope you're well smiley - hug
smiley - magic

Thanx babe

Post 4


I will add u too my pals list in i minute babe and thanks for trying to help as i need all the help i can get lmaopmp..this is the first time i have ever been around a web site so its abit scary lol...
homer is the man babes..i wanna be like him hehehe..he is a babe magnet(remember lurlene lumpkin the country singer)lmao..
i cant see my keys as its gettin dark dohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! lol
thanks again for acceptin me as ur fwend..mwahhhhhhhh xxxxxx

Thanx babe

Post 5

Siren Of The Black

smiley - blush crikey moses!
Heh heh hope you're ok this fine morning, all set to be another scorcher by the look sof things smiley - biggrin yay! I love the summer... smiley - cool The first time I ever came on the net chatting, I didn't have a clue about anything... It took my months to figure out that lol meant laughs out loud.... smiley - blush
And Homer is a very sexy specimen of manhood! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laughpurr smiley - devil
Well, hope you enjoy the weather today! Go get an ice-cream... Or something smiley - smiley
Catch ya laters
smiley - magic


Post 6


hiya there,its a scorcher up here as well..i am gr8 babe and hope u are too..
you can call me mick if u would rather than my user name..wot u doin today hunni,anything excitin???..i might catch a few rays as havent seen much of the sun this yr at all..
i have been stuffing my face with MAGNUM ICE LOLLIES..mmmmmmmmmm lovely..
have a good day darlin..xxxxxx


Post 7


Hey Mick..?! You wanna take it easy with my girlfriend on the hunni, babe darlin cr*p please...?


Post 8


sorry m8 i meant no offense..its just i am used to sayin it in the chatrooms and its common place there...honest m8 it wasnt meant to be anything other than friendly...if it upsets u both i wont say it apologies


Post 9

Siren Of The Black

Another lovely day, hope you been able to enjoy the sun a bit today, can't stop long, only got a little while for lunch.
Graduate tomorrow, yay! Take care, be well smiley - magic


Post 10


once again i apologize if i daid anything to upset u as i never meant any harm ok...yeah i have been out in the sun today as its another cracker up here..
i gotta work tonite from 6-12 :O(..dohhhhhhhhh...
congratulations on graduating tomorrow and hope u have a few cold ones to celebrate...i am doin gr8 thanx and hope u are too..
till next time take care


Post 11

Siren Of The Black

Don't stress, is ok smiley - smiley
Hope work is ok, I had to work yesterday, was baking smiley - sadface
I'm just off to get a celebratory beer as I ain't working tomorrow!Yay! smiley - biggrin
Be well smiley - smiley

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