This is the Message Centre for AUREUS

Take your time

Post 1

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

This is a huuuuuuuuuuuuge site.It takes time to appreciate it so wander around where your mouse takes you.If you want specific info try typing in a word to the search h2g2 box(the one at the top is for our host the BBC).Or why not click on someones name in a conversation to see their personal homepage.Read the various conversations in the various sections(Ask H2G2 is one of the more popular)and see if there is anything that interests you.You can even click on the phrase above 'The guide to Life,The Universe and Everything' and see where it takes you.This will help you find the EDITED guides more easily.
Don't forget if you read an edited or unedited guide that you liked or interested you that you can leave a message to show how much you enjoyed it.

The main thing is to appreciate that H2G2 is not like other sites.It is unique and takes time to appreciate.

Incog.smiley - tea


Post 2


Thanks m8 as i have never even looked at antthing as big as this..i dont even know how to make friends on here or edit my personal space especially gettin pictures on..i am very new to computers and to be honest i spend more time gettin stuck and lost in various pages that i get very frustrated..i appreciate your help tho and will see if i can get away with it..
cheers m8..


Post 3

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

You could look at the How do I...? page at for assistance

and for help with piccys and stuff you could try The GuideML Clinic at

Also Ask H2G2 is a very good place to get help.There is usually someone who can help.

try clicking on either Life or Universe or Everything to find some edited guides that may pique your interest.

Plus if you need some friendly folk come to A811810 the S.H.A.D.O.W. headquarters where we may be eccentric but we are friendly.

Incog,Chairthingysmiley - tea

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