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Opti Does Denmark

In the red corner we have a fantastic h2g2 researcher going by the name of Pierce the Pirate and in the blue corner an unknown visitor? that's right free1982. Ok while they do battle over princess Opti smiley - winkeye I'll let you into a slice of an h2g2 mini meet in Denmark.

It seems everyone that Opti knew had either gone away on holiday, was going on holiday and others were questioning where are you going Opti? This she wasn't sure of at first but soon decided that she would like to see her favourite captain in Denmark so with the plane booked she was to fly solo to Denmark.

Then disaster happened her new found bf (found through an online dating site) was hit on the m25 by a lorry. Opti wanted to run to his rescue but there wasn't anything she could do. They decided that France didn't want him to pay her a visit so he was to accompany Opti on holiday to Denmark and fortunately the Captain agreed.

On wednesday Opti couldn't resist donning her shoes and dancing one last time in her home town so that left 3 hours sleep before she drove to the airport and the couple went through the normal procedures of going through departures. On arriving free1982 (not so free anymore) spotted the Captain peering through the glass and as they waved they felt a sense of 'yay we made it'. The Captain then showed the tired two, parts of Copenhagen including the Resistance Museum, a screening of the Little Mermaid who'd swum to china to be in the Expo!damn cheek! and refreshed them with drinks before they made it to his ship 2 hours later. Both of them were knackered so kept falling asleep during the trip. smiley - blush

The next day they made it to the medieval centre and as the knights were out of town the Captain decided to have his own little battle. Of course in an h2g2 battle the unknown visitor (free 1982) wouldn't normally stand a chance but by this time he was on to winning the heart of Opti and the Captain had had too many drinks anyway so forgot that he was in a battle. smiley - bubblysmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

Later they joined the Captains friends for more drinks who warmly welcomed them and they saw a local band play in the square too.

The next day the couple took the train to Copenhagen where upon they visited the Hans Christian Andersen museum (the best one by far is in Odense though), got caught up in the gay pride and took a site seeing bus tour to a part of the area that used to deal in drugs.

On sunday the trio journeyed to the seaside and later that day found time to make some burgers.

The last day of the journey was taken up by site seeing again. First they saw the church where the Captain lives and then they journeyed on to Copenhagen where they found a place to store their luggage. They stopped by the Slot and saw the jewels, frescoes and armoury. Even in torrential rain it was clear that they'd left the best till last. Then it was time to fly home, ok they knew the saying smiley - dontpanic but that day they both panicked as Opti had remembered the Captain suggesting there were about three airports and she was worried about turning up at the wrong one. After a frantic call to the Captain sounding very much like something from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire they made it to the airport and everything ran smoothly there after.

Opti and Free1982 would like to thank the Captain once again and if the reporter has accidentally missed out something she'd like to apologise. She is still rather tired and suggests she has been drinking smiley - redwine oops lemonade hiccup, hiccup, hiccup

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Latest reply: Aug 25, 2010


Gees I hate this predicament I'm in. The guy says he still has feelings for me yet is unsure whether he can fully love me again. Says there's different types of love. So he's suggested friends and then if anything more is to come forth and we get back to how we were if not better than great. However, he's suggested cutting down time to once a week in seeing each other, never calls ...I do all the running. He's also 20 years older and thus comes with baggage. He snores too and doesn't crave affection like I do. He's really hurting me and if I ask him whether his feelings have changed ie. does he feel he loves me, he says to stop pressurising him and at the moment if he's forced to say one way or the other then the answer is no...let's just see if we can get them back, we are enjoying each other's company aren't I'm aching, stressed, can't stop thinking of him...he's like a drug!

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2010

Life can be a rollercoaster

Gees life can be a rollercoaster playing havoc with your emotions. People coming and going within your life and we are forever learning.
Sometimes you will feel like you are in full control behind the wheel, at other times just the passenger and sometimes you need to leap off and take a break. I fell down the rabbit hole of SL was struck by it's awe and beauty, created outfits, listened to others and wrote words that resonated with all and sundry. Just like H2G2 there's a great community there also not just on a lazy Sunday. Now I feel my time of virtual communities is at an end, the call of rl needs to be met take care my virtual friends.


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Latest reply: Apr 3, 2010

Please tell me I'm not the only one

Please tell me I'm not the only one...

who reads a passage and can't decipher the meaning at times
who listens to someone speak but can't arrive at an answer to give them
who sees a presentation put up on the board and when asked a question about it can't understand
who tries to answer a question and a friend/family member says what they mean is ....

What is this thing I'm's frightening me.

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Latest reply: Feb 3, 2010

Tieing Up That Present

Greetings one and all. I hope you all had a great Christmas and I wish that all your fondest wishes come true this year. smiley - cheers

For me I feel this past year has been one of ups and downs. I said goodbye to my ex in the spring and got myself a new man in the fall. Bagged myself a teaching qualification and put my ball shoes on and had a blast with Samba and Ceroc. Moved out of my parents house and then said goodbye to a job I held down for a year and a half despite being bullied. Oh and I still remain a budding writer....writing not only for here be it less and less these days though smiley - sadface but also for another internet and writing friendly place smiley - smiley So I'm branching out leaving a bit of me here and there. The only thing I should really do though in that process is to make sure I finish my pieces off. smiley - blush I've still a couple of full blown Entries I'd like to write too for here as well as tie up the hair and moomin stuff. I'll get there though. smiley - biro

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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2010

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