Journal Entries
Old main page
Posted Nov 12, 2007
This was my old main page content and, as it has been there for several years, I thought it was about time to update it. People change as do cats.
If all mankind befriended a cat humans would be more calm, entertained, confused, humble, and able to ingore loud crashing noises in the middle of the night. Dogs are fine, don't get me wrong, generally easy to be around, but cats... Cats are the question to the answer. How many cats should a household have in a person's lifetime? 42
Living with cats provides the meaning of life, the universe and everything. Just look into a cat's eyes. It's all there.
As a cat, I know that it is important to impress this fact on everyone. Too many people believe that it is our (cats) nasty attitude that they don't like when in reality it is their (people's) loss of control. Cats rule. Not mice. Not humans. When humans learn that they learn to live with us quite nicely.
Of course it is nice when we behave properly too. We are working on that.
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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2007
Truly Hilarious
Posted Apr 11, 2003
I found this through Greater Good a web development newsletter. Usually their links are entertaining. This had me laughing so hard people were coming into my office to look. (Yes. I was browsing at work.)
Eat your heart our food connoisseurs...
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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2003
Posted Mar 27, 2003
Grief is a strange creature. It comes upon you suddenly even when it’s expected. The worst part, if one can identify a single worst part, is the requirement to respond with hope and encouragement when others are attempting to console you.
A dear friend of mine died. It was time but it is never easy. She will be missed.
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Latest reply: Mar 27, 2003
One American's View on the War
Posted Mar 27, 2003
My country is at war. Despite what some think, it is a war that nobody wanted. Whether people agreed with the “need” to get involved or not no one wanted war. President Bush said that war could be averted if Iraq complied fully with the UN resolutions passed since the last gulf war. But full compliance was interpreted differently by different nations.
I don’t know how it played-out worldwide but here, when France declared that they would veto any resolution that allowed force to be a response for non-compliance, some felt like we had no diplomatic option left. How can a security council oversee world security if it isn’t wiling to wield force when absolutely necessary? It must be a cultural thing. The idea of a policeman attempting to stop an armed robbery without a gun is ludicrous to me.
I confess I am a typical American isolationist. My first reaction is not to get involved in anything. After all, what do I know about their lives? Let Israel and Palestine duke it out. Africa will develop democracies if it wants, etc. -- Build a big fence and play in my own playground. Of course I know that it can’t work that way, if for no other reason than that the US consumes so much more than it makes here in its own playground. So we have to think globally and we should be concerned about more than ensuring that our conspicuous consumption remains uninhibited by world events.
Even so, is the US supposed to be the policeman of the world? If we are expected to step in (and out) of conflicts then who decides when? And how? Our judgment is certainly fallible. Is the UN’s better? Does decision-making by consensus always result in better decisions? Will the American people tolerate its government handing over decision-making power to the UN? I wouldn’t.
My brother is a surgeon in the Army. He was working as a professor of surgery until this war began. So far, he is substantially poorer than he was a month ago but safe. How long? My grandfather fought in WWI. My father in WWII. My uncle died in the Battle of the Bulge. My father-in-law fought in the Korean War. I thank God that my husband missed the draft by four years. My family is not unique. Most people I know have lost family members to wars fought for the liberation of other countries, other peoples, for the purpose of stopping an “evil dictator” or regime.
You may say Saddam Hussein is no Hitler. Whatever. This isn’t new behavior on the part of my government. We just decided to go first this time. Maybe in this war my family won’t lose anyone but if we do it will be because someone thought we needed to stop an evil dictator. I may not agree but I do understand the motivation. And while you work up to a healthy hate of the US and all things America because of our heavy-handed diplomacy and horrible war I hope that you also remember that there are real people out there with real families who would probably rather be just about anywhere else but they are soldiers, devoted to a country that does many, many things right.
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Latest reply: Mar 27, 2003
Who am I?
Posted Feb 18, 2003
As a newbie to the h2g2 I am a little uncertain as to what information is relevant about me or my human, Sue. She is fairly useful, average in most everything but generally a pretty good pet.
She lives in Wisconsin, US, in the middle of nowhere with me, Hermi the Cat, and Baloo, a very annoying old cat that thinks that she is his pet also, and Gordy her human husband and my other pet. (He's not nearly as obedient as Sue.)
I am a gorgeous tan/black spotted tabby in the prime of my life. My humans say that I have more beauty than brains but I just want them to think that so they expect less of me.
My humans are Christians but, hopefully, of the less obnoxious variety - at least I think they try to be. They enjoy gardening and generally grow a good supply of catnip for me. It gets a little sparse in the winters but that just makes the spring buzz all the better. They also are builders - of buildings - and other things when given opportunity.
I welcome any feedback you can give me about h2g2. I loved the books and was thrilled to find the site. I haven't read enough to know much of anything yet but what I've found so far has been fun and interesting.
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Latest reply: Feb 18, 2003
Hermi the Cat
Researcher U218413
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