This is the Message Centre for The Guy With The Brown Hat

You know...

Post 21

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Tummyrubs smiley - biggrin

All felines are hedonists. Love to be touched, donchaknow? S'a wonderous thing to lie in front of the hearth and have someone stroking your tummy.

You know...

Post 22

The Guy With The Brown Hat

Ah nice. Touch is a wonderful thing. Can be both soothing and exciting .. relaxing but sensual .. and very explorative.

Do you get touched in that certain way much? Any regular tummyrubbers for you?

You know...

Post 23

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

No, not since my last full-time one jumped ship in favour of another person ¬.¬ Sometimes I can coax the housemate into it, but I usually have to promise something in return and it's very rarely that he'll give me those tummy rubs that I want...

You know...

Post 24

The Guy With The Brown Hat

That really sucks .. the same type of thing happened to me almost a year ago. Really hurt for ages, but eventually it stopped hurting so much, and even the urges to get revenge went away too. Then I met someone else and it's all kinda cool again now.

What kind of stuff does he make you do in return ..? smiley - erm

I hope you can find someone to satisfy your stomach touching desires .. I bet there are plenty of guys out there who would be willing!

You know...

Post 25

The Guy With The Brown Hat

In fact I just thought of one. But I'm not sure if I can divulge the details, I think his penchant for stomach caressing was quite a private thing and not something I'm supposed to know about, heh.

You know...

Post 26

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

smiley - smiley Nothing too terribly bad. Just usually neck or shoulder massages. He's got a dicky shoulder so he needs it rubbed from time to time. S'not a horrible thing but it can be bad because I myself have bad wrists and not enough strength to give a proper massage.

Right now I'm working on getting over the ex, it's mostly working. I don't feel the insane need to rip him limb from limb anymore, right now I'm just kinda apathetic about it all. I would like to find a new tummyrubber soon, though. It's a nice thing and it helps get over stress, which I have a lot of right now...

You know...

Post 27

The Guy With The Brown Hat

It's good that you're progressing back to normality. Amazing - and sad - how people can mess other's heads up so much. So, got any possible candidates for the tummyrubber post?

Why so stressed ..?

Hey, maybe you could try massaging him with your forearms or feet instead .. save your wrists some work.

You know...

Post 28

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

There's some that I'd /like/ for the post, but no express offers of interest from parties on their own. Some don't even know I'm looking, but that's okay. I figure I'll just have fun, talk to people and if someone wants to offer up for the post on their own then it's cool...

And stressed for a few reasons. One was the aforementioned ex-tummyrubber. The other is having lost my job about four weeks ago and having to find work in order to pay the rent and whatnot. Not /high/ stress, but enough to make life difficult at times.

S'a good idea about using my feet or forearms too. I nivver thought of that. smiley - laugh

You know...

Post 29

The Guy With The Brown Hat

Your laid-back approach sounds good. Less chance of disappointment, if enjoying yourself is most important, and finding a good tummyrubber is just a nice side effect!

Hopefully within time both stressmakers will disappear. Especially the first one - time heals and all.

I'm curious .. how are your moods now as compared to before then?

Hmm, I think I'd better get some sleep now, it's early a.m. over here. G'night!

You know...

Post 30

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

My moods are very much the same as they used to be. It tends to be that stress sends me to extremes, then when I get over it I just slip back into a kind of apathetic up and down-ness.

Sleep well then. Sweet dreams and don't let the bedbugs bite!

You know...

Post 31

The Guy With The Brown Hat

Ack I slept uneasily. Tingly aches and pains 'cause I'm feeling a bit ill this weekend. Ah well.

Moods are wierd, the fact that one can have an overall condition affecting the way they think. I'd be so nice to have some sort of control of them ..

I get incredibly apathetic at times, where I can't be bothered to do anything I'm supposed to be doing. Or maybe that's just unmotivated, dunno!

You know...

Post 32

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Oh dear, that's no good. I hope you feel better soon. smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

I just wish I had enough trouble to stop the mood swings. Moods themselves I can cope with, it's the sudden jags from one end of the spectrum to the other that bother me.

I'm sort of halfway between unmotivated and apathetic. With some cynicism thrown in to boot. Always a fun mix.

You know...

Post 33

The Guy With The Brown Hat

You'd prefer to be constantly down rather than going up and down? I mean, at least you can appreciate the good bits of your mood shuffles in the latter case. Any idea what triggers a change?

Ha .. talking about mental wierdness can be a downer in itself .. smiley - bigeyes

(Feeling better today btw, had wierd head thoughts though, but hey.)

You know...

Post 34

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

I sort of sit at a happy medium. Or happy for me anyway. I've no idea what triggers my mood swings, but often they're rather violent.

I've not got any idea what triggers a mood swing, though it's probably not too hard to find if I looked.

Glad to hear you're feeling better, though.

You know...

Post 35

The Guy With The Brown Hat

A friend of mine gets sharp mood swings into anger and irritation, but wierdly he only notices it after it has finished. If you try to point it out to him at the time, he strongly denies it.

I've noticed it can be really hard for people to notice things about their mood, such as when and why. Probably because it's really difficult to maintain an outside point of view when you're the one it's actually happening to.

One thing I find useful is the 'mirror test'. Look into a mirror at yourself and how you feel about your image is probably the mood you are in, or the mood you'll be in soon. (If you keep staring though that's just vanity smiley - smiley )

You know...

Post 36

The Guy With The Brown Hat

I was talking tonight with a friend of mine who believes that spiritually, he is a dragon. That is, he remains in human form in this world to the outside observer, but can feel his wings and tail. And when he dies, he will be in a place of dragons .. and be a real dragon.

So I wonder .. if you could cover yourself in fur and whiskers, extrude a tail and grow some cute pointy ears, would you do so?

You know...

Post 37

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

If I could, then yes. I would. But in that same vein if I could I'd grow wings and a tail and scales and horns and be a dragon too. I'm a very comlicated morass of...well...things.

You know...

Post 38

The Guy With The Brown Hat

Have you heard about that guy who is slowly turning himself into a lizard, bit by bit? He has a forked tongue, skin implants and greenish scaly tattoos all over him!

It'd be quite curious to become a colony of ants for a while ..

You know...

Post 39

The Guy With The Brown Hat

You know...

Post 40

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Yeah...*nodnods* I've heard about it. Freakywierd. But if he wants to do it, I say go for it. Especially if he's got the money...

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