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Short Shorts
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 23, 2009
She turned down the burner and tasted the soup. Still not right, though it was closer than before. She turned to get more salt from the cupboard, lost her balance, and fell backwards into the soup pot.
A few minutes later, the souschef came in, tasted the soup, decided it was just right, and carried it out to the waiting diners, wondering why it had suddenly gotten so muvh heavier.
Short Shorts
frankandsense Posted Apr 23, 2009
I enjoy walking the streets at night but was nervous to find her asleep on the pavement.
Lifting her to her feet I guided her away from the suspicious police car cruising past.
Now she was leaning heavily on me and telling me about her two daughters who hated her.
I learned that we had been in the same class at school.
I had forgotten her name, it was Julie.
Short Shorts
Jabberwock Posted Apr 24, 2009
The children set off to count the daffodils, remembering to stay in sight of the car park as instructed. "Mummy, there are twenty daffodils in the woods!" said Maisie, her eyes shining. "No, there are twenty *one*", said her brother with emphasis, looking serious. Peter was always keen to go one better than his sister, whatever they did. They then walked round the lake with their mother, counting the ducks, the water creatures, and many of the other wonders that they saw.
Short Shorts
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 24, 2009
We climbed a fictional mountain with Yeh-Ti, a literary character
as our guide. All the other climbers were real, however.
Zen Flobbert let us use his laptop to keep Yeh-Ti in our sights so
we could follow him up the slope. Sadly, Yeh-Ti fell into a deep canyon,
and we had to turn off the laptop and see what else there was to do in the living room.
Short Shorts
retiringviolet Posted Apr 24, 2009
The footsteps behind me were coming closer. I sped up - it was dark.I fumbled in my pocket for my keys and anything else that might act as a makeshift weapon. Suddenly, the street lights came on. My heart thumping, I looked around, my pursuer was running towards me with my lost purse.
Short Shorts
retiringviolet Posted Apr 24, 2009
He was very, very boring. He spoke only in a pauseless monotone. He kept repeating himself. He kept repeating himself. Sometimes people fell asleep standing up when he talked at them.
Short Shorts
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 24, 2009
Gopher Broke
"Your days as an evil droid are numbered, Vlebstrad!" she warned,
kneeling in the grass to survey the damge to her priceless
rhododendrons. The object of her warning was dozing happily
in the tunnel that led from the hedge to the dying bush,
but he was jarred into wakefulness and then alarm as a
heavy foot came crashing down on his roof. "That was
just the beginning, a warning shot as it were," she chortled
smugly, "I'm sending in my ferret, Amanda, to finish the job."
The gopher crawled back in his bed, not worried at all.
Amanda was his ex-wife, and she didn't even like the taste of
gophers, preferring to steal cat food from the neighbors' cat.
Short Shorts
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 24, 2009
I get bored about endlessly looking for non-existant jobs. So I decided to find a mad scientist who would give me my superhuman powers. And I put my request in an ad in the newspapers and online. I found a place in London that give me my mutant powers as I waited.
Short Shorts
retiringviolet Posted Apr 24, 2009
The Yellow Pages entry read: "Post Suicide Councelling."
"Mmmm" I thought, "Yes, But would it work?"
Short Shorts
frankandsense Posted Apr 25, 2009
If you are very patient you can outlive your enemy without raising a finger. All you need is longevity. Planning his demise will not help.
Dame fortune is a much more effective killer. And don't be over friendly either.
Short Shorts
frankandsense Posted Apr 25, 2009
Now she is losing the sight in the other eye. She knows the children's photographs are still on the mantelpiece. She cannot see them though.
They never come to see her now. She feels for the tea caddy.
Short Shorts
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 25, 2009
In every generation, there are brave, hopeful soldiers who march off to war and then, some years later, come limping back to their homes with troubled memories of conflict, and tough adjustments to peacetime life. So it was for Albion, who returned from the Crusades with only half the shirt he had worn at the beginning. When Gwendolyn met him at the garden gate, she noticed how thin he had become, how many battle scars were etched on his torso… There was one more thing, a sort of cup that he had brought back from the Holy Land. “Oh, that?” he said, “That’s just a chalice or grail I picked up because I liked the way the angels sang every time I held it up to my ear.”
Short Shorts
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 25, 2009
Sitting on a crowded bus during the rush hour, hearing people argue on their mobile phones. With hardly any remove to move let alone breathe. The bus stops at all the 16 stops off a very long road, picking people up with their shopping and their luggage. And at one stop, four drunks come on, with their IPod's blaring the latest pop hits. Arguing with the bus driver and trying to get on for free.
Short Shorts
Jabberwock Posted Apr 25, 2009
I don't visit very often, (not since 40) but I must say this is an exciting thread to visit. All that I hoped it would be, and more, Each story since my last visit, and before that too of course, worth an OK . Actually they're even better than that. We do seem to be a genuinely talented bunch - oh, and a special mention of TT's latest stories, after my earlier comments which misguidedly advised her to concentrate on her excellent poetry (at 39).
Short Shorts
Jabberwock Posted Apr 25, 2009
After "more" there's a typo - the , should be a . It's important for the number of sentences.
Short Shorts
Fluffy Pink Rabbit. (Remember that polyester has feelings, too) Posted Apr 25, 2009
Alice was getting tired of sitting in her wheelchair on the riverbank. She had heard about the mysterious white rabbit who had appeared to other Alices in this very spot over the years, but despite coming here every day for 75 years, Alice had yet to meet him. There was a rustling of the grass 20 feet away, as a stooped, wrinkled white rabbit led an equally wizened man in a tall hat, and a white-haired woman with a crown and a walker to a sunny knoll.
Numerous young rabbit attendants spread blankets on the ground and set out teapots and sandwiches and little cakes, while the ancient rabbit beckoned to Alice to come join them. “This is such a nice party,” said Alice between bites of food as the queen dabbed at perpsiration On her face, “even though it is not at all the way I had thought it would be!”
Short Shorts
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 25, 2009
My sinuses are blocked and I cannot stop sneezing. I have taken vitamin c and garlic tablets and even drank cod liver oil. I even eaten salads and apples every day. And even tried eating curries, whilst wearing lots of sweaters, without any success. Is there more that I can do?
Thank you Jabs for your very kind and encouraging compliments.
Short Shorts
frankandsense Posted Apr 25, 2009
She's late he thought checking his gleaming shoes. The crease in his flannels could be lined up with the cinema door if he angled himself a little more to the right. A tall slim girl in a pencil skirt passed him. Prettier than her, he thought. He took of after her.
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Short Shorts
- 41: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Apr 23, 2009)
- 42: frankandsense (Apr 23, 2009)
- 43: Jabberwock (Apr 24, 2009)
- 44: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Apr 24, 2009)
- 45: retiringviolet (Apr 24, 2009)
- 46: retiringviolet (Apr 24, 2009)
- 47: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Apr 24, 2009)
- 48: retiringviolet (Apr 24, 2009)
- 49: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Apr 24, 2009)
- 50: Reality Manipulator (Apr 24, 2009)
- 51: retiringviolet (Apr 24, 2009)
- 52: frankandsense (Apr 25, 2009)
- 53: frankandsense (Apr 25, 2009)
- 54: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Apr 25, 2009)
- 55: Reality Manipulator (Apr 25, 2009)
- 56: Jabberwock (Apr 25, 2009)
- 57: Jabberwock (Apr 25, 2009)
- 58: Fluffy Pink Rabbit. (Remember that polyester has feelings, too) (Apr 25, 2009)
- 59: Reality Manipulator (Apr 25, 2009)
- 60: frankandsense (Apr 25, 2009)
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