The basic gist is Singaporean, 14 and stands at 1.7m. We don't use feet over here in Singapore, which is a good thing seeing how he's got 2 of the left ones. Diehard metalhead and Macintosh user ever since he bought an iMac G5 back in December 2004 and introduced himself to the real world proper. Obviously a student too; we Singaporeans are particularly concerned with our children's education. Fortuitously the kids don't think the same way; give them a chance and they'd join the anarchist party if there was one. Sadly there is one and only one party in charge in Singapore; its members coincidentally attended the same school as him. Tinkles on the ivory, plucks the frets and hits the toms - still a beginner, but he might just be a rock star one day, so keep a look out for him.
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?" | Sep 21, 2005 | Dec 14, 2018 |
Good article - some personal comments | Sep 24, 2005 | Jun 2, 2010 |
Che is a commie | Sep 24, 2005 | May 19, 2006 |
An ACE G'day Bucolic ... | No Posting | Sep 21, 2005 |
the ah lian/ah beng culture in Singapore | Sep 21, 2005 | No Replies |
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