This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Thanks for the Welcome!

Post 1


Thanks so much for the warm greeting, although I was surprised to see someone choose "virago" to describe herself. I had always known that word to mean, more or less, a scold, or quarrelsome woman. Thinking that there might be some meaning to which I was not privy, I looked it up again. I see that the second definition is a strong woman, or an amazon. Well, that's better!

Working in a high school, as I do, this is my busiest time of year. Therefore, I haven't had much time to look around h2g2 yet. I'm anticipating a little bit of time over the summer to devote to it, and then look out!

Again, thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to becoming more involved in the h2g2 community.


Thanks for the Welcome!

Post 2

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Hi Wayde

Thanks ever so much for leaving me a lovely message. I am here to help you with most things relative to hootoo and if I can't answer your questions, I can get someone to help you if I cant smiley - biggrin

Are you having fun? I hope so. Hootoo has so much to offer, and with you working in a school, I'm sure you'll contribute to the guide very well smiley - smiley

Thanks for the Welcome!

Post 3

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

I dunno Vicks..I work in a school and I've done nothing of any merit on h2 like ever.Still I might have done less of coursesmiley - biggrin

Thanks for the Welcome!

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh That's coz you're a lazy wench.... smiley - rofl

Having fun yet?

Post 5


It's hard to have too much fun when I don't really know my way around. smiley - erm I need three or four good hours of uninterrupted surfing to really get to know what's what and where's where.

The end of the school year is a whirlwind. Just this week, every evening was accounted for: baccalaureate ceremony, budget meeting with the school board, retirement dinner for our retiring teachers, and tomorrow night is the commencement ceremony. When the students are gone I intend to have a good look around!

Having fun yet?

Post 6

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

There will be a hell of a lot of surfing to do if you think you want to get in everything hootoo has to offer!!!! smiley - laugh

Having fun yet?

Post 7


Oh, I figured the first few hours would just be to get the lay of the land. After that, my hope is to spend the odd hour or so here and there with some hootoo diversion or other. In fact, I'm deeply embroiled at the moment in some conversation where folks keep adding one line at a time to make a limerick!

Having fun yet?

Post 8

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - yikes Far too beyond me *quivers*

I think I'll stick with welcoming newbies smiley - winkeye

Having fun yet?

Post 9


Well, you're very good at it!! smiley - biggrin Oops, I'm being called to lunch!
smiley - run

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