This is the Message Centre for J

Mature and sophisticated

Post 21


I must admit Bismarck is one of those figures that I like in European history. I'm not sure why.

Martin Luther... I read somewhere that later in his life, he became obsessed with his own feces, and considered his intestinal problems to be the work of the devil. On my long list of entry ideas, I have on it, "Martin Luther and the 95 Feces". Something to do with a diet of worms as I understand it smiley - groan

I need to remember never to write anything just for the wordplay.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 22

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't recall having heard of that, but my memory isn't quite what it used to be. There are a couple of 'bonmots' which he is known for, and one of them is to do with belching and farting, but that's it. Brockhaus doesn't mention it, either (but then it doesn't mention any of the bonmots).

Bismarck left us the Bismarck herring. smiley - biggrin

Mature and sophisticated

Post 23


Here's an interesting link:
It's not what I originally read, but it's in the same direction. Luther was a toilet-thinker. says Luther thought the devil "sometimes lodged in Luther's bowels and was closely associated in the Reformer's mind with feces and flatus".

Probably more than you needed to know. I had to look it up, Just to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 24

aka Bel - A87832164

The second article you link to is a bit too long to read when I should prepare to go to work. smiley - biggrin

It looks interesting, though. There was a film about Luther, only two or three years ago, so quite new, but I'm not sure they mention it there. I'll have to ask my sister, I think she has the DVD.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 25


I wouldn't read the part I'm mentioning if breakfast is on the agenda. smiley - winkeye

Oh, I doubt it would have made it into a film. I'm not suggesting that it was a major part of his life's story, or anything.

The best stories tend to come from the margins of the biography, though. From under the dungheap, if you'll pardon the expression.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 26

aka Bel - A87832164

Nice expression. smiley - biggrin

And my breakfast is smiley - coffee, so that's OK. smiley - winkeye

When I researched for my St Martin's day entry I came across some Luther sites, too. Might be worth going back there (if I can find them again after all these years) and see what they have. He was certainly of great influence to many people.

smiley - run to work now.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 27

aka Bel - A87832164

Trying to avoid the PR police, I'll better reply to your latest post here:

I'm not bored at all. I think I'll wait until you submit it before reading it again (but I'm not subscribed to PR, so I may miss it).

Mature and sophisticated

Post 28


I only suspected you might have been bored if you were reading an unfinished entry after it popped up smiley - smiley

I only put Joey on h2g2 to check the GML and see how long it was. I write my entries in a very basic text editor, so it's hard to tell how long it is until I look at it on the screen in pure, classic, alabaster. It might be a week before I've finished Joey.

Joey did have blue eyes, though. So maybe I can work in a link smiley - winkeye. Sadly, no big head.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 29

aka Bel - A87832164

I had no idea it wasn't finished. I wasn't signed in when I read oit, so I couldn't tell whether or not it was in PR. I only had a word count done now (it's 4,000 words, if you didn't know). I didn't notice the length while reading it, only when I went back to look after the conversation in the Blue Eyes thread. I wonder what you think needs adding/changing.

It is a very rare event that I'm bored, there's always something to do (like writing, reading, editing - and that's just what I do when I don't work). smiley - biggrin

Mature and sophisticated

Post 30


Well, I had to read through it and decide what to do next. That was just a first draft. Further along than I had thought, though, to be honest.

I've been working on it for a few hours. It's now more like 4,600 words. smiley - winkeye

Into PR. The dogs need something to munch on.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 31

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm about half through rereading it. I like the changes I noticed.

I'll comment in PR once I've finished reading the new version. Could be a while, I was distracted, and now I'm tired again (I forgot to switch off my alarm clock smiley - groan, so I've been up and reading/writing for three hours). I need a break now. smiley - senior

Mature and sophisticated

Post 32


I like the nickname change. smiley - smiley The Stretcher has been a bigger boon to this site than I would have ever predicted.

Your recent journal was sparked, I think, by Pin's submission? I don't think the response is to retreat from writing for the EG. When are you going to give us something to challenge the existing orthodoxy with?

Mature and sophisticated

Post 33

aka Bel - A87832164

It wasn't just Pin's PR thread. It was the sum of several things.

As for not writing for the EG: I've been at that point several times, and then there was always something I just *had* to write about, so I went back to writing. But that was before I discovered the AWW. Now, if I feel the urge to write something, I can still do so, and I can still share with the few who show an interest, but it doesn't have to be the EG.
And I'm sure I can and must learn a lot.

And I'm not brave enough to 'challenge the orthodoxy', so I try to mediate.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 34


I think that you should try it. What's the worst that could happen? Not much.
On the other hand, you could discover something great in yourself. Those are the kinds of odds I'd stake a fortune on.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 35

aka Bel - A87832164

But I don't have the skills, Jordan. I know what I like to read, but I can't write it.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 36


You can't write it? I hate to sound like a broken record, but I don't believe you. I'm just suggesting, in my pushy way, that you give it a try, a real try. Pin made me try it out at first, or at least encouraged it. I'm not suggesting I've succeeded to the level of those things I like to read, but at least I am trying. And I'm addicted.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 37

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, writing is indeed addictive. But before I write a guide entry, I have to be inspired. I'm currently not inspired. Plus, I am distracted by other things. Things that are new to me. So it could be a good while before I sit down to write an entry I've meant to write since December last year. I'm not sure I'll ever write it. I've made a start, that's it. It is a great subject (I think), but I have the feeling I'd waste my time writing it. So I don't go on with my researches.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 38


Oh that's all fine and good, sure. I don't mean this very instant.

Any clues as to the topic?

Mature and sophisticated

Post 39

aka Bel - A87832164

Kaspar Hauser. Ever heard about him? People are still split in two factions, even several centuries after his untimely death. I can't find my book about him, ordered a few back in December which were never delivered. Found the original report Feuerbach wrote but haven't read much yet. Should make for a great story - if you're German, that is. Although he was known throughout Europe at the time, and had a benefactor in England even, if I recall correctly.

Mature and sophisticated

Post 40

aka Bel - A87832164


That's where I stopped.

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