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The Post
Skankyrich [?] Started conversation Nov 3, 2005
If Shazz has left and Reef doesn't want to do it anymore, how would you feel about getting involved with it editorially? I don't want to jump any guns in terms of the current volunteer involvement, but you're pretty high-profile and I'm... er... online a lot
You're right, it is chronically underread (even by a regular like me) and undervalued, and perhaps a relaunch might help the old beast? Just a thought...
The Post
J Posted Nov 3, 2005
I belong to the UG I'm open to the idea of doing some work for
(probably not as an editor, UG and Post have to cooperate, sometimes compete over entries. So there could be conflicts of interests).
You, on the other hand, you'd make an exceptional Post ed, and I'd be very happy to recommend you, try to find some columnists and contributors... whatever. I've told Reefgirl that if there's anything I can do as UG Ed or just as myself for I'd be happy to. Breathing new life into it by finding someone to replace Reef in a job she's obviously not enjoying (and is eager to be replaced in) seems to fall neatly into that category.
The Post
Skankyrich [?] Posted Nov 3, 2005
Thanks, Jodan - I'll post back on the main thread as EMR has commented as well. I feel sorry for Reef, she sounds very disgruntled and it would be good to give the Post some support right now... I'm certainly interested, thanks for bringing this to my attention (and the kind recommendation )
The Post
J Posted Nov 3, 2005
I was wondering who could help run the post this afternoon while looking through my friend's list... with the criteria of someone enthusiastic, hopefully with EG connections (I think that bringing in more EG folks might help reinvigorate things) and who's active. Didn't see anyone on my friends list, 'cos you weren't on there, so I've just gone ahead and corrected that
I say go for it. While you do that, though, remember that The Post worked best when there was a guiding, magnanimous presence (Shazz) who everybody respected and thanked god for. Not saying it necessarily has to be you, but the Post needs some leadership. Don't be afraid to lead and direct (that goes for any Post Ed who may happen to be lurking as well)
The Post
Skankyrich [?] Posted Nov 3, 2005
I'm glad you did correct it
Thanks for the advice; I'll just wait for Reef and the others to decide what they want to do now. I've been waiting for the next stage of my hootoo involvement to come about for a few weeks now and the Post would be a pretty natural thing for me to do. How's a guy meant to be involved when he's only subbing and scouting, eh?
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