new to h2g2

Today, 02/04/02, I heard the Barefoot Doctor for the first time on Lisa l'Anson's show on on BBC London 94.9. So I did a search on the Barefoot Doctor on the BBCi site. There was a link to h2g2 and his comments on Taoism, so I went along and registered as a researcher.

I live in Vermont, USA, but I lived in London for a year in 1999.
I listen to BBC radio on line for news, information about the UK...most often programs about religion/spirituality, gardening (I have a garden in my house - I moved from urban Houston, Texas to this small town in Vermont about 2 years ago, and it's got a wildly growing garden of perennials), food (yeah, we have Jamie Oliver over here, too) and British history.

So this site intrigues me; I'm new, so it's gonna take a bit ot time to become adjusted to it.......but hey! I'm adaptable, love to discover new things about our universe.

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Welcome! Apr 2, 2002


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Researcher U192047


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